public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag jee


Why there is no servlets in Play

by nhoizey
"I think that the fundamental problem is that using the servlet API is the only way you can plug with the HTTP layer of a JEE server. Perhaps the java ecosystem needs something like Rack. I mean, a real low level and portable API to deal with HTTP. Not an half assed HTTP API built on some flawed architectural principles."


La gendarmerie nationale sauve son projet Java EE en se convertissant au PHP

by nhoizey
En 2005 la gendarmerie lance Puls@r, un projet Java EE pour remplacer l’application de gestion du service des brigades. Les aléas rencontrés ont poussé les gendarmes à se doter d’une plate-forme de développement continu pour PHP.


glassfish: Comparing v2 and v3

by night.kame

Modular Architecture Based on OSGi

La sémantique retenue pour Glassfish est intéressante. Même si la JSR 291 est finalisée depuis deux ans, ils restent sur la dénomination (plus politique) d'OSGi. Pendant ce temps, JSR 277 reste dans les limbes.

OCTO Technology - Communication - Livres Blancs

by Elryk
Livres Blancs et Cahiers disponibles gratuitement sur le site web de la société OCTO Technology.

PJL Compressing Filter

by Elryk
A J2EE servlet filter which compresses data written to the response. It supports several algorithms (gzip, deflate, etc.) and emphasizes minimal memory usage and high throughput. Also provides detailed performance stats.

Core J2EE Patterns - Data Access Object

by Elryk & 1 other
Access to data varies depending on the source of the data. Access to persistent storage, such as to a database, varies greatly depending on the type of storage (relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat files, and so forth) and the vendor implementation.

J2EE[tm] Design Patterns > Design Patterns Catalog

by Elryk & 2 others
Each pattern in this catalog includes sample code from JavaTM BluePrints reference applications such as the Java Pet Store sample application.


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last mark : 30/04/2010 08:37

last mark : 23/04/2009 06:58

last mark : 07/11/2008 19:29

last mark : 15/01/2008 20:58

last mark : 06/05/2008 08:31
last mark : 04/10/2007 08:08