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PUBLIC MARKS with tags kde & gnome



Open Source Semantic Desktop Is Coming

by CharlesNepote
"PC users have volumes of information saved on their computers, most of it disconnected and disparate save for a basic directory system. The answer to connecting all the information into a local semantic Web of information is closer than you might think. [...]"

Mutagenix: Slackware Based Live CDs

by jdrsantos
Mutagenix is a suite of Slackware based LiveCDs. Currently (, the suite consists of a rescue disk and a KDE desktop disk -- I am looking for a reasonable GNOME install to use for the Mutagenix GNOME disk. The desktop's each have the rescue disk a

Hedinux GNU/Linux

by jdrsantos
Hedinux GNU/Linux is a french independently developed distribution inspired by the Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch books. Hedinux is optimized for i686 and have its own packages management system. The distribution try to be easy to use, a

LinuxTOY » 最小化安装 Ubuntu

by realmip
在安装之前需要确定的一件事情是,如何选择安装 CD。根据本文的要求,下载 Alternate install CD 是比较适合的。为了便于安装,应该将下载后的 ISO 文件烧录成光盘。 首先,安装 Ubuntu 基本系统。以 Ubuntu 6.10 为例,当插入安装盘后,计算机从光盘引导系统,这时在初始安装菜单中选择“Install a command-line system”,之后与一般的安装过程并无二致。

Linux on the root !

by Léonux & 5 others
Initialement nommé "Guide de survie de l'Ubuntiste débutant, les auteurs ont choisi d'élargir leur champ de documentation à GNU Linux. Loin d'être exhaustif, ce site pourrait, néanmoins, intéresser les débutants comme les utilisateurs avancés de ce système d'exploitation. Les membres de l'équipe de Linux on the Root utilisent des distributions différentes (Ubuntu, Fedora) mais les deux principaux écrivants ont choisi Debian Etch. Les retours et remarques sur les articles sont les bienvenus, il est à noter que Linux on the Root est sous licence GNU FDL.


How to get widescreen resolution in Linux?

by linuxmint (via)
If you own a laptop with widescreen resolution such as 1280x768, 1280x800 or 1400x1050, you might have encountered that problem. XWindow shows up in 1024x768, and it doesn't fill the entire width of the screen. If your laptop's graphic card is an Intel 800 or 900 series (Intel 845G, 855G, 865G, 915G, 915GM, and 945G), there is a very easy solution to fix this.

nuoveXT - icon theme for Gnome and KDE

by 13121982 & 1 other
The goal of nuoveXT is to provide a very complete set of icons for both Gnome and KDE.


by oliver & 1 other (via)

Ubuntu Usability

by mehrfachstecker & 1 other
A blog with regular thoughts and developments on the development of Ubuntus, GNOMEs, and Linux' usability and other stuff. Also contains some of the current developments in coming up Ubuntu releases.


Tango Desktop Project - Tango Desktop Project

by mauriz & 21 others (via)
Tango defines a standard icon style guidelines document that applications and desktop enviroments can adhere to. Work has started on creating a new base icon theme based on a standard icon naming specification. In addition, we provide transition utilities to create icon themes for existing GNOME and KDE desktops.

Tango Desktop Project - Tango Desktop Project

by fredbird & 21 others
Tango defines a standard icon style guidelines document that applications and desktop enviroments can adhere to. Work has started on creating a new base icon theme based on a standard icon naming specification. In addition, we provide transition utilities to create icon themes for existing GNOME and KDE desktops.


by camel & 1 other
With AllTray you can dock any application with no native tray icon (like Evolution, Thunderbird, Terminals) into the system tray. A high-light feature is that a click on the "close" button will minimize back to system tray. It works well with Gnome, KDE, XFCE 4, Fluxbox and WindowMaker.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag kde

emulation +   gui +   kdevelop +   look +   mac +   macosx +   menu +   +   on +   ponsfrilus +   programme +   python +   qt +   solaris +   suse +   terminal +   wallpapers +   wxpython +   xp +   Yakuake +  

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