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PUBLIC MARKS with tag labs


Android Apps: Formulae Pro

by alamat (via)
The extended version of Formulae, a physical sciences reference app. This app is suitable for people who want to study chemistry or maths on the go, or are just a little forgetful with all those important formulas! Contains chemistry and maths content, including functional groups, named reactions (including mechanisms) and, of course, loads of equations.

Traduction des messages - Centre d'aide Gmail

by julie

Si vous recevez un message dans une langue que vous ne connaissez pas, vous pouvez, en un seul clic, le faire traduire instantanément par Gmail afin d'en comprendre la teneur générale.


Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 HTML5 Pack

by oqdbpo
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5 HTML5 Pack is an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. This extension provides features to help users generate HTML5 and CSS3 code. Features include Multiscreen Preview, Media Query support, code hinting, starter layouts, and WebKit updates for rendering enhancements.


Mozilla Labs » Raindrop

by ycc2106
Raindrop is an exploration of messaging innovation that strives to intelligently assist people in managing their flood of incoming messages. And mailing lists are a common source of messages you need to manage. So, with assistance from the Raindrop hackers, I wrote extensions that make it easier to deal with messages from mailing lists.

Script Converter

by ycc2106
Script Converter is a Google Labs product that allows the user to read a web page in a script of their choice. For example if the user can understand spoken Tamil but cannot read the script, they will be able to view Tamil web pages in English (Roman) script. We do not translate any content - we transform the words on the page to its phonetic equivalent in the desired script. We also support the conversion from non-Unicode encodings to Unicode, so that users can view pages without installing the custom font otherwise needed. Users will still need Unicode fonts. To start browsing a website, type the url in the text area, choose your preferred script and press convert.\n Currently we support the following scripts.\n\n * Bengali\n * English\n * Gujarati\n * Devanagari (Hindi, Marathi, Nepali)\n * Kannada\n * Malayalam\n * Tamil\n * Telugu

Google Transliteration

by ycc2106
Ecrivez phenetiquement pour écrire en arabe, hindi, tamil, Urdu...

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

by ycc2106
Projects(11/2009) Comment Search - Discover videos by searching video comments. Insights for Audience - Discover what different audiences like doing on YouTube. CaptionTube - Add captions and subtitles to your YouTube videos with interactive caption editor. Video Annotations - Add interactive commentary to your videos! Link to other videos, add notes, and more. Active Sharing - Use Active Sharing to show other YouTube users what videos you're watching Warp - Visually browse YouTube videos in the Fullscreen player. Streams - Join Streams to chat with others who are watching the same video you are. HTML5 Video - View a demo page that uses the HTML5 video tag.

Autodesk Labs - Project Draw

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Project Draw provides a versatile, web-based vector drawing application. Use it to create simple floor plans, electronic circuit and network diagrams, user interface mock-ups, and more. Save your work in a variety of formats on the Autodesk Labs server or your own server.

YUI 3 — Yahoo! User Interface Library

by ycc2106
UI 3 is Yahoo!'s next-generation JavaScript and CSS library

Bespin » Code in the Cloud

by ycc2106 & 4 others
Bespin is an online code editor by Mozilla. It allows you to write and edit code, share projects, and connect to existing open-source projects.

Mozilla Labs » Raindrop » Blog Archive » Introducing Raindrop

by ycc2106
Raindrop is an effort that starts by trying to understand today’s web of conversations, and aims to design an interface that helps people get a handle on their digital world. At the same time, it creates a programming interface (API) that helps designers and developers extend our work and create new systems on top of that data. We aren’t trying to invent new protocols or build new messaging systems, rather focusing on building a product that lets users get a handle on the systems we already use.

WorldWide Telescope

by ycc2106
A web-based version of WorldWide Telescope is also now available. This version enables seamless, guided explorations of the universe from within a web browser on PC and Intel Mac OS X by using the power of Microsoft Silverlight 3.0.

Microsoft Education Labs

by ycc2106
builds prototypes and gathers data to inform ongoing and future research and development in the education space

Mozilla Labs Test Pilot

by ycc2106
Test Pilot is a platform aimed at collecting structured user feedback from Firefox and other Mozilla Labs experiments. As a Test pilot, not only will you try before anyone else the newest features and coolest user-interface ideas, you could also learn how those test results may contribute to future designs. The goal for this platform is to encourage everyone from all skill levels to improve the Web experience by conducting and participating in these tests.

The Google Apps Blog (original posts): Introducing Google Calendar Labs

by srcmax (via)

When you sign in to Calendar today, you'll see a new page in Settings called Labs where, just like in Gmail, we'll list new highly experimental features for you to try. (Those of you who use Google Apps at work or school will first need your domain admins to enable Labs by checking the "Turn on new features" box in Domain Settings.)

VisualSeeker - Yahoo!ラボ

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Yahoo! labs japan - search similar or draw

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag labs

ajax +   development +   web2.0 +  

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