public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags language & book


Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
An introduction to the JavaScript programming language, by Marijn Haverbeke. Very complete, extensive, and well-written resource. Must read for every intern in web developement ! :-)



Spanish Books, Libros en Español

by jtkoene
Latest Internet retailer specializing in Spanish books. The Web site is tailored specifically to the needs of both Spanish and English users. They provide the resources that Hispanic readers seek, including Christian books in Spanish, children’s Spanish books and Spanish novels.


PLEAC - Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook

by bcpbcp & 10 others (via)
Following the great Perl Cookbook (by Tom Christiansen & Nathan Torkington, published by O'Reilly; you can freely browse an excerpt of the book here) which presents a suite of common programming problems solved in the Perl language, this project aims to gather fans of programming, in order to implement the solutions in other programming languages.

IndieGameDev :: New Book: Physics for Game Programmers

by bcpbcp (via)
Physics for Game Programmers shows you how to infuse compelling and realistic action into game programming�even if you don�t have a college-level physics background! Author Grant Palmer covers basic physics and mathematical models and then shows how to implement them, to simulate motion and behavior of cars, planes, projectiles, rockets, and boats. This book is neither code heavy nor language specific, and all chapters include unique, challenging exercises for you to solve. This unique book also includes historical footnotes and interesting trivia. You�ll enjoy the conversational tone, and rest assured: all physics jargon will be properly explained.


Lydbok Forlaget

by fangorn
Norsk lydbok forlag med gratis ekstrakt

Slashdot | Attack of the Corporate Weasel Words

by multilinko
Does it bother you that churches have a Mission Statement touting their Core Values? That even the CIA has a Vision? In his book Death Sentences: How Clichés, Weasel Words and Management-Speak are Strangling Public Language and in this Newsweek interview, Australian author Don Watson argues it's time to protest the mind-numbing business jargon that infests our schools, churches and political speech. Examples that people have sent to him can be found on Watson's website.

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 10/05/2011 11:31

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last mark : 11/07/2005 18:20