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PUBLIC MARKS with tags law & legal




Asbestosis And Legal Implications

by juliesm
In 1929, asbestos manufacturers faced the first lawsuit. Afterwards there was a deluge of lawsuits against employers and manufacturing for neglecting the safety regulations.

Internet Law Blog

by rockcoastmedia & 1 other
Discussion of legal topics as they relate to the internet and web based applications. Special attention is paid to copyright and trademark issues along with cyberlaw

Do we have a wack-job or a murderer?

by jasontromm (via)
Legal and law enforcement experts have begun to express outward skepticism about claims by a teacher that he killed JonBenet Ramsey. John Mark Karr told reporters in a press conference last night in Thailand he was with the 6-year-old beauty queen when she died nearly 10 years ago. He said the death was accidental, as part of a botched kidnapping effort.

RIAA loses in file sharing case

by nackereia
RIAA lost in a case against a mother. Which totally rocks for the rest of us.

Planned Parenthood Condemns Abortion Ban, Undecided on Legal Challenge

by jasontromm
They may opt to use a statewide referendum to repeal the law, denying those who supported the ban the opportunity to take it all to the way to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Should Planned Parenthood lost the ballot vote, it could still file a lawsuit against the ban. ()() I'm pretty sure they would have trouble even getting a referendum on the ballot. Who's going to sign a petitition in favor of killing babies?

Mo. Court Upholds 24-Hour Abortion Wait

by jasontromm
The Missouri Supreme Court has upheld the state's 24-hour waiting period for abortions, a decision that turns the focus of the legal battle to federal court. The unanimous ruling Tuesday by Missouri's highest court focused on whether the 2003 law ran contrary to the state constitution. The judges rejected arguments that it was overly vague and deprived people of liberty and privacy rights.

Studies Compare Arbitration and Litigation - National Arbitration Forum

by National-Arbitration-Forum
A study conducted by the National Workrights Institute found that employees who settled disputes through arbitration prevailed 62% of the time as compared to a 43% win rate in court.

U.S. Supreme Court depicts Muhammad

by jasontromm
Protesters of cartoons insist Islam forbids any image of prophet Frieze depicts Muhammad among 18 "lawgivers" on wall above Supreme Court justices' bench While Muslims engaged in violent protests worldwide over caricatures of Muhammad have insisted any image of their prophet is considered blasphemous, a prominent frieze in the U.S. Supreme Court portrays the Islamic leader wielding a sword.

New England Liberals Lead Charge Against Alito

by jasontromm
Liberal Democrats waged an eleventh-hour attempt Monday to block Samuel Alito's Supreme Court confirmation, arguing that he would tilt the high court further to the right.

明報:放人檢控看證據  豈容壓力損法治

by phgod

成報:韓農案皆大歡喜 濫求情影響司法

by phgod

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