November 2006
Sharpening 101
by jlesage & 1 otheran explantion of what sharpening in Photoshop does and the theory behind it, plus workarounds
Free, Comprehensive Audio and Video Course
by jlesage Television Production--A Free, Interactive Course in Studio and Field Production by Ron Whittaker, from cybercollege
Cambridge in Colour - Digital Photography Tutorials
by jlesage & 24 othersuseful how-to information, broken down into phases
Photoshop Tutorials - Free Photoshop tips and Tricks -
by jlesage & 3 othersmany lilnks to how-to tutorials
October 2006
Internet Public Library:
by jlesage & 1 otherlinks listed in "subject areas" selected at left of screen
January 2006
(7 marks)