public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags learning & research



chrisbrogan's bookmarks on

by springnet
remarkably relevant bookmarks on business, software, art, design, learning, linux, web 2.0, gtd, howto, research, acme, illustration, entrepreneur, podcasting, dly, bsmin, podcast, graphics, bizinbox, blogs, wordpress, blog, mp3, photos, rss, free, etc.



Plants In Motion

by jlesage
"Time-lapse photography allows us to easily see the movements of plants and clearly demonstrates that plants are living organisms capable of some extraordinary things." various phases of plant life, both on cellular and external level

Gene Pool

by jlesage & 2 others
a science game: "a virtual Darwinian aquarium .. you initiate a primordial soup, and .. check up on what Virtual Mother Nature is up to - about every 15 min. (or every few days)"

HHMI's BioInteractive

by jlesage & 1 other
excellent science site with explanations and many visuals; interesting site design

Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need

by jlesage & 9 others
how to refine a topic and its searches; updated for web 2.0 and specialty searching; good for anyone starting to do Internet research on a topic and will take you to some previously unused search tools

TeacherSource | . Tag - You're Delicious! | PBS

by jlesage
may 06 discussion of how delicious works; useful overview and collection of comments. PBS teachersouce is also worth visiting from time to time

ArtLex Art Dictionary

by jlesage & 3 others
search, arranged in alphabetical order, large number of terms

Librarian Chick - tools for learning

by jlesage & 4 others
links to resources like Books/Audio books, Calculators, Collaboration, Student Loans, Foreign Language, Graphs/Presentation, Lectures, Notes/Writing, Online Learning, Poetry, Reference, Science/Space, Test Taking/Prep


by jlesage
information on the visual arts, performing arts, design, literature, music and film; short entries on major figures

Fifty Ways to Take Notes

by jlesage & 31 others
both online and offline, include clippings or your own musings or both

Overview Map "digital enlightenment: research"

by jlesage
a visual map, with links, of how to use metasites for knowledge acquisition, research, and reading online; author has other such maps on his site; useful for students as mode of presenting info and for info itself.

Teaching resources links

by jlesage
a wide variety of intriguing paths to follow, listed alphabetically; a interesting way to set up a links page, although I prefer annotations

Litsum: The Most Free Literature Summaries, Study Guides and Book Summaries

by jlesage & 3 others
like Cliff's Notes but now free; teachers beware and forget about those book reports on the classics

Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 3

by jlesage & 1 other
Oct 06, review of software potentially useful to students and teachers; overview useful for folks interested in thinking about Internet and education in new ways

Active users

last mark : 30/06/2009 13:05

last mark : 10/08/2008 06:52

last mark : 05/03/2008 12:56

last mark : 14/02/2007 20:46

last mark : 11/01/2007 03:00

last mark : 01/12/2006 18:42