December 2006
Plants In Motion
by jlesage"Time-lapse photography allows us to easily see the movements of plants and clearly demonstrates that plants are living organisms capable of some extraordinary things." various phases of plant life, both on cellular and external level
Art, Design, and Visual Thinking
by jlesage & 3 othersa basic design text for art students, complete text and exercises onlin
November 2006
HHMI's BioInteractive
by jlesage & 1 otherexcellent science site with explanations and many visuals; interesting site design
Sharpening 101
by jlesage & 1 otheran explantion of what sharpening in Photoshop does and the theory behind it, plus workarounds
Geography courses with websites Valparaiso University
by jlesageGeography courses, both present and past, with exercises, links, bibliography. Also see Urban Studies and American Indian Studies. Understanding place as cultural should inform both fiction and non-fiction film.
Incredible Art Lessons
by jlesage & 1 othermany art lessons from preschool through college; lots of stimuli for the imagination, lots of detail if you are a parent or teacher
Guerrilla Filmmaking 101
by jlesagethe nitty-gritty of no-budget filmmaking, good on deflating romantic notions often held by first-timers
Free, Comprehensive Audio and Video Course
by jlesage Television Production--A Free, Interactive Course in Studio and Field Production by Ron Whittaker, from cybercollege
Boohbah Zone
by jlesage & 1 otherdelightful interactive flash animation; if you have children or kids in the house, they will love this
by jlesageinformation on the visual arts, performing arts, design, literature, music and film; short entries on major figures
Digital Photography School
by jlesagetips page, also has page with links to other resources; basic info. but many folks have a hard time with the menus on a digital camera and just use it in a point and shoot way
The Authentic History Center:
by jlesage & 1 otherPopular culture images in historical and other categories
Telegraph | Digital Life | A gallery of galleries
by jlesagewebsites for art, visual browsing for your inspiration and pleasure
Cambridge in Colour - Digital Photography Tutorials
by jlesage & 24 othersuseful how-to information, broken down into phases
Photoshop Tutorials - Free Photoshop tips and Tricks -
by jlesage & 3 othersmany lilnks to how-to tutorials
October 2006
course outline on photography and place
by jlesageusing photography as disciplined mode of exploration, expressing ideas
Making Sense of Evidence
by jlesagestrategies for analyzing online primary materials, with interactive exercises and a guide to traditional and online sources--many kinds of historical materials discussed; useful in most teaching areas
July 2006
eye | the international review of graphic design
by jlesage & 2 othersnew journal of graphic design and visual culture
(21 marks)