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PUBLIC MARKS with tags library & code


NaCl: Networking and Cryptography library

by wabaus
NaCl (pronounced "salt") is a new easy-to-use high-speed software library for network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures, etc. NaCl's goal is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level cryptographic tools. Of course, other libraries already exist for these core operations. NaCl advances the state of the art by improving security, by improving usability, and by improving speed.


Introducing Http::Exceptions by @smathieu - Rainforest QA Blog

by Spone
If you’re using a library such as the excellent HTTParty, you still have to deal with various types of exceptions. In an ideal world, the return code of the HTTP request would be the sole indicator of failures, but HTTP libraries can raise a large number of exceptions (such as SocketError or Net::ReadTimeout) that you need to handle. Http::Exceptions provides an easy way to rescue exceptions that get thrown by your HTTP library and a way to raise exceptions on unexpected HTTP status codes.



by Xavier Lacot
A simple and pwerful client-side validation javascript library


10 Open Source or Free Flash or Flex Code Libraries You Need To Check Out. | Visualrinse | Design and Development by Chad Udell

by HK
Build, steal, buy, or borrow… These would be the four basic ways you can make your applications a reality, pretty much regardless of the language you develop in. Flash and Flex development is no different in this regard.

Adrian Parr’s Blog » Blog Archive » AS3 Code Libraries (APIs)

by HK & 3 others
Here is a round up of some of the most popular ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) libraries out there to use. Let me know if I have missed an important one off.

tlfx - Project Hosting on Google Code

by ronpish
Welcome to the Text Layout Framework Extended project. The TLFX library allows you to easily add HTML/CSS rendered content into your Flash applications. This compatibility layer is built on top of the Adobe sponsored open source Text Layout Framework (TLF) project. The intent is to fulfill the promise of HTML rendering while maintaining a cross platform browser experience that we've come to love using Flash.


svgweb - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Xavier Lacot & 4 others
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target ~95% of the existing installed web base.

HTML Purifier - Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way!

by Spone & 18 others
HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also make sure your documents are standards compliant, something only achievable with a comprehensive knowledge of W3C's specifications. Tired of using BBCode due to the current landscape of deficient or insecure HTML filters? Have a WYSIWYG editor but never been able to use it? Looking for high-quality, standards-compliant, open-source components for that application you're building? HTML Purifier is for you!


reallysimplehistory - Google Code

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Really Simple History is a lightweight JavaScript library for the management of bookmarking and browser history in Ajax/DHTML applications. RSH serializes application data in an internal JavaScript cache so that bookmarks and the back button can be used to return your application to an earlier state. Originally developed by Brad Neuberg in 2005, RSH has won a large user base for its simplicity, ease of use and lack of dependency on any specific Ajax framework. It's written in plain old JavaScript and can be included on any site according to the terms of its BSD license. In September 2007, Brian Dillard of Pathfinder Development came on board as maintainer and ongoing code steward for the project. A new version, with support for additional modern browsers (IE7, Safari, Opera), was released as RSH 0.6 on December 3, 2007.

eswf - Google Code

by greut

Erlang library for manipulating Adobe SWF files and related data formats

phpsocketdaemon - Google Code

by greut & 2 others

By using this library you can focus on implementing protocol and logic, instead of spending countless hours of writing and debugging asynchronous, non blocking, high performance socket routines.

PHP is getting massive ?

Delphi for PHP

by kasi77 & 3 others (via)
# The only development solution for drag-and-drop visual design for PHP # Build data-driven Web applications with broad database connectivity # Create AJAX-enabled Web 2.0 pages and sites # Everything you need in a PHP development environment including a powerful code editor, debugger, profiler, database tools and much more # Use the VCL for PHP component library with more than 70 visual components to speed development and extend it with your own components # New version! See what's new in Delphi for PHP 2.0

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag library

bot +   bouncer +   browser +   detection +   http +   junk +   php +   security +   spam +   tool +  

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