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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & opensource


🛠 🖼 LOGICIEL - Real ESRGAN – Améliorez la qualité de vos photos

by decembre
Ça s’appelle Real ESRGAN et comme son nom l’indique, ça utilise du deep learning / apprentissage pour restaurer des images. L’outil est en python et peut-être utilisé sur Google Colab mais également en ligne de commande sous Windows / Linux et macOS. Pour l’utiliser, rien de plus simple. Il suffit d’appeler le soft avec le paramètre -i (pour input) et d’indiquer l’image source, suivie du paramètre -o (output) suivi du nom de fichier sous lequel vous voulez enregistrer la version améliorée. Pas besoin de CUDA ou de PyTorch, ça fonctionnera directement J’ai testé sur un logo YouTube tout pixelisé et comme vous pouvez le voir, le résultat est vraiment bluffant.



HandyLinux | Accueil

by plooki
HandyLinux, Debian sans se prendre la tête HandyLinux c'est l'accessibilité pour tous et la liberté pour chacun d'évoluer à son gré.




Portal gvSIG — gvSIG

by m.meixide
La información geográfica se ha convertido en un factor fundamental para la gestión. En la Asociación gvSIG apostamos por las ventajas que proporciona el software libre y el uso de estándares a la hora de implantar y desarrollar proyectos de sistemas de información geográfica. Calidad y experiencia en una propuesta basada en la independencia tecnológica, la interoperabilidad y el conocimiento compartido.


by m.meixide
PortableLinuxapps, un portal web no que atoparás versións portables dalgunhas das aplicacións máis usadas en distribucións GNU/Linux, tan só tes que descargar os executables e darlles permiso de execución, aplicacións como un navegador, un cliente FTP, putty e algunha aplicación de mensaxería instantánea sempre está ben levalas encima. Agora mesmo hai 66 aplicacións que poderás descargar cun simple clic e que foron probadas en Ubuntu 10.04, OpenSUSE 11.2 e Fedora 12

Portable Apps for Linux

by m.meixide
Portable Apps for Linux (pafl) give you with the ability to carry your Linux programs, settings, and documents along with you, wherever you go. No install required. Remember that next time you're trying to install something on Linux, and your favorite package manager isn't working. With pafl, you just download and run. It's that simple. Not only that, but if you put pafl apps on your USB drive, they'll save all your settings, and if you plug the drive into a different Linux computer, all your settings will still be there. Amazing, huh?


by RETFU & 1 other
The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images (gif, png, jpg), even if they have been resized, recompressed, recolored or slightly modified. The library is free, lightweight yet very fast, configurable, easy to use and it has been designed with security in mind.


Go-oo - Your Office Suite

by ycc2106
Go-oo has built in OpenXML import filters and it will import your Microsoft Works files. Compared with up-stream OO.o, it has better Microsoft binary file support (with eg. fields support), and it will import WordPerfect graphics beautifully. If you are reliant on Excel VBA macros - then Go-oo offers the best macro fidelity too. If you expect your spreadsheets to calculate compatibly, or you get embedded Visio diagrams in your documents, you'll want Go-oo.


by ycc2106 & 32 others, 1 comment
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s).


by m.meixide
Peter Grasch ha anunciado un nuevo proyecto de reconocimiento de voz llamado simon, en KDE, y que anunció recientemente el apoyo de desarrolladores que permite tanto QT / KDE Y GTK / GNOME utilizar la misma infraestructura de, lo que significa la accesibilidad a los dos escritorios KDE y GNOME.


by ycc2106 & 9 others
HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. | Open Source Activity World Map

by ycc2106
Explore open source software hotspots around the world through the interactive Open Source Index, or OSI, based on research by the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). When you click on a country, you can see its overall rank among the 75 countries in the index, as well as its rank for Government, Industry, and Community factors.

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