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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & thunderbird


Présentation du Linutop 2 - Standblog

by nhoizey
Linutop est un vraiment minuscule ordinateur prêt à fonctionner, sous Linux. Il est idéal pour naviguer sur le Web, lire ses mails, faire de la bureautique, et même regarder des vidéos ! En plus, c'est écologique, et c'est français !



by gregR & 2 others, 1 comment
SyncKolab was written to add kolab functionality to thunderbird. It reads a selected Imap folder and synchronizes it with the local address book and calendar. It has been tested under Thunderbird for Windows and Linux.

Forum Geckozone

by arthur_lm & 4 others
Une forum francophone consacré aux application libres propulsées par le moteur Gecko : Firefox, Thunderbird, Nvu, SeaMonkey...


by maddoxeric & 61 others
Home of the Mozilla Project who makes software applications as the mozilla web browser, firefox, thunderbird e-mail client and more. - preferential: preferences

by yogilou & 5 others
about: config toutes les préférences et ce qu'elles font !!!

Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, KOrganizer

by tehu & 1 other
The purpose of this note is to report on the use of the web browser Mozilla Firefox, the e-mail client Mozilla Thunderbird, and the calendar application Sunbird in a dual boot environment. Specifically, we show how to share bookmarks, mail folders, address books, and calendar files between installations of Firefox, Thunderbird, and Sunbird under Windows XP and Linux.

Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, KOrganizer

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
The purpose of this note is to report on the use of the web browser Mozilla Firefox, the e-mail client Mozilla Thunderbird, and the calendar application Sunbird in a dual boot environment. Specifically, we show how to share bookmarks, mail folders, address books, and calendar files between installations of Firefox, Thunderbird, and Sunbird under Windows XP and Linux.

The complete guide to using Gmail with Thunderbird, Mozilla Mail, Evolution, and Kmail - Linux Forums

by macroron
how to set up a gmail account in Thunderbird, Mozilla mail, Evolution and Kmail. This tutorial is meant to help out anyone, especially a noob such as myself, so it's in for dummies language.

French Gendarmerie National switches to Firefox and Thunderbird - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by François Hodierne
> In an interview published by French Magazine Linux Pratique, Général Brachet explains why the French Military Police force has chosen to deploy Firefox and Thunderbird


Thunderbird synchronisé sous Linux et sous Windows -

by Monique
La solution utilise une partition VFAT, qui me sert pour partager des dossiers en lecture/écriture, entre Windows XP Pro et Ubuntu

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addon +   custom +   dailymotion +   download +   flim +   instaler +   intall +   lua +   macos +   play +   playlist +   telecherger +   truc +   video +   vlc +   windows +  

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François Hodierne
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