public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag lisibilité





by emmanuelc & 2 others
OpenDyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. The typeface includes regular, bold, italic and bold-italic styles. It is being updated continually and improved based on input from dyslexic users. There are no restrictions on using OpenDyslexic outside of attribution.

Et le confort de lecture des sites Web ? - Blog Webatou, le Web accessible à tous

by Monique

J'en ai marre des trop nombreux sites pour lesquels je dois zoomer à 130% pour obtenir un minimum de confort de lecture

Lisibilité des sites web, font-size : 100% – 16px | All For Design

by Monique & 2 others

solutions mises en place par les webdesigners pour améliorer la lisibilité de leur contenu textuel


How design could save the W3C — an article by Ben Schwarz

by Monique

While preparing my HTML workshop, I’ve been re-reading W3C specs in far further detail than I ever would’ve imagined. The reading experience is far from delightful. Not only is the text the entire browser width in measure, but it’s dense and laborious to read. No wonder browser vendors have traditionally missed subtle details.

Contrast Rebellion

by emmanuelc & 3 others
Low-contrast fonts and unreadable texts? To hell with them!

Information Architects – The 100% Easy-2-Read Standard

by emmanuelc (via)
Most websites are crammed with small text that’s a pain to read. Why? There is no reason for squeezing so much information onto the screen. It’s just a stupid collective mistake that dates back to a time when screens were really, really small. So…

Information Architects – Web Design is 95% Typography

by emmanuelc & 2 others (via)
95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logical to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography.





Comment les internautes lisent les résultats de recherche

by tisienpo & 2 others
* Les internautes lisent les résultats de recherche de manière linéaire ; * La majorité d'entre eux survolent au moins trois à quatre résultats ; * Plus un résultat sera bas dans la page, moins il a de chance d'être vu et cliqué ; * Un résumé plus long (6 à 8 ligne) aide les internautes à choisir le bon résultat.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag lisibilité

ergonomie +   eyetracking +   JDNET +   recherche +  

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last mark : 15/12/2015 22:29

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last mark : 11/05/2009 18:57

last mark : 19/09/2007 17:15

last mark : 06/04/2007 08:19