public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags logiciel & wifi


Easy WiFi

by nhoizey
"Many public WiFi networks need you to login using a web browser (technically, called captive-portals). Easy WiFi is designed to automate this login process"

TouchPad - Remotely control your Mac with an iPhone or iPod touch

by nhoizey
"With TouchPad's intuitive use, you'll feel right at home if you have already used a track pad on a MacBook"

AirSnare - Intrusion Detection Software for Windows

by nhoizey & 1 other
"AirSnare will alert you to unfriendly MAC addresses on your network and will also alert you to DHCP requests taking place."


Devicescape - Connect all your Wi-Fi devices to any hotspot or Wi-Fi network - automatically

by nhoizey
"Devicescape Easy Wi-Fi automates the process of logging in to hotspots with web-based authorization pages."

Fon Spot Mac Linux Download - Martin Varsavsky | English

by nhoizey
Here you can download the FON Spot Software for Mac and Linux developed by our FON Labs. With this software you can share Fon Wifi directly from your computer.




by nhoizey
NetGrowler displays pop-up notifications on network events (joining new wireless networks, IP address changes, etc.) through Growl.

Mot de passe et Network-manager

by lecyborg
Pour ne plus avoir à le taper à chaque ouverture de session


by lecyborg & 1 other
Permet de chopper les mots de passe des gens sur les hotspots publics



PUBLIC TAGS related to tag logiciel

carte +   géolocalisation +   gps +   locr +   photo +   windows +  

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last mark : 01/10/2010 11:58

last mark : 26/01/2007 09:38

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last mark : 26/08/2005 21:32