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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mac & hardware


Astropad - Transform your iPad into a professional graphics tablet

by sbrothier, 2 comments
YOUR IPAD AS A PROFESSIONAL GRAPHICS TABLET Use the Mac creative tools you know & love, like Photoshop, with the touch experience of your iPad




Portable Mac - Rain Design mStand pour MacBook et MacBook Pro (support pour portable) par RAIN DESIGN : Achat au meilleur prix ! - Fiche Technique

by sbrothier
Très élégant et simple d'emploi, mStand est un astucieux pied en Aluminium pour votre portable Apple.

Hands On: 17″ i7 MacBook Pro | Cult of Mac

by sbrothier
After one of the longest waits in the Intel era, the MacBook Pros were updated Tuesday complete with a migration to the new Intel i5 and i7 architecture. In addition to the CPU update these new top-end notebooks feature better battery life, and the ability to switch from integrated to high performance graphics on the fly. We here at the Cult managed to get our hands on one of the top-dog 17 inch i7 models on Wednesday have have been putting it though it’s paces.



The Alternative to Hacking - AwkwardTV

by sbrothier
One of the very best reasons to hack your Apple TV was to get more storage. With 2.0 and iTunes 7.6.1 onwards you get much better sync / stream options. The ATV used to distinguish between "Shared" iTunes libaries, from which you could stream content and that which was synced. Now, you can select what to sync and what to stream from a library and as long as the iTunes Mac/PC is on, all the content is available seamlessly - whether local to the ATV or not.

[Mac Pro] Airport Extreme Card - which of the 3 wires to connect? - Mac Forums

by xlr8 (via)
Brancher une carte airport extreme dans un Mac Pro (faut le savoir quand même).

Nouveaux iMac : blocages intempestifs

by sbrothier
Le technicien m'a soufflé que sur un petit pourcentage d'iMac intel la fameuse mise à jour problématique 1.1. aura modifié de manière anormale le bios de certaines cartes graphiques (visiblement il y aurait eu deux types de cartes utilisées en construction du produit)... Et comme il serait impossible de retourner à l'état antérieur du bios la carte, l'unique solution consisterait à la changer pour échapper à ces soucis. En tous cas, ce sympathique technicien m'a confirmé deux choses :

Mac Mod Lab. New Mac Mini Pro

by marco (via)
Le blog Hahabusa montre un mod incroyablement réussi du Mac mini qui préfigure ce que pourrait-être une telle mini tour.


by xlr8 & 10 others
L'argus des Mac d'occasion

The Future Of Apple Is In 1960s Braun: 1960s Braun Products Hold the Secrets to Apple's Future

by sbrothier & 3 others
The year 2008 marks the 10th Anniversary of the iMac, the computer that changed everything at Apple, hailing a new design era spearheaded by design genius Jonathan Ive. What most people don't know is that there's another man whose products are at the heart of Ive's design philosophy, an influence that permeates every single product at Apple, from hardware to user-interface design. That man is Dieter Rams, and his old designs for Braun during the '50s and '60s hold all the clues not only for past and present Apple products, but their future as well:

Mac et Video !

by xlr8 & 7 others (via)
Tout sur la vidéo sur Mac

35 Absolutely Essential Mac Apps - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog

by sbrothier & 1 other
For one reason or another, a lot of freelancers use Macs. It may be the raw power, the stability or they may just look rather - cool? Well, both of us know why that really is. It’s the apps! The software that makes the hardware bling, and it’s not necessarily thanks to Apple. Aperture and iCal may be nice, but often we rely on the smaller, even more useful applications. Here’s a list of great little applications that the Mac-powered freelancer should consider.


Transparent Screens : un album photos sur Flickr

by xlr8 & 9 others
Des écrans d'ordinateurs particulièrement bien en phase avec leur environnement :)

MacBook-fr - AluBook 17" (G4)

by esion
changer de disque dur sur un powerbook g4

by sbrothier
More relaxed ergonomic posture for neck and head / Improved viewing with raised screen, Air can circulate underneath, cooling it

❤️ 🛠 TESTDISK - Category : Data Recovery - CGSecurity

by decembre
150 articles in this category..... Serie de liens sur la Récupération de Données , logiciels, technique, sythem d'exploitations et d'aides....etc.... Une mine d'or!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mac

apple +   guide +   lancement +   libre +   logiciel +   notes +   productivité +   quicksilver +   type:tutoriel +  

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