Carbon Copy Cloner - Features
by sbrothierThe key to a successful backup plan is to actually do the backups regularly. When left to a human, the task often gets tacked on to the end of a very long list of other things to do. When you eventually have a catastrophe, the data is simply gone. You know that feeling — you just lost six years of family photos. Your kids being born, their first birthdays, their first everything. The answer to this is consistent and regular backups, placed on a schedule and handled automatically by your computer.
Carbon Copy Cloner offers fast, incremental backups that copy only items that differ from the last backup, as well as checksum analysis of your backed up files, archiving and archive management, and backup task scheduling. With CCC, you can back up to a locally-attached hard drive, to a network volume, or to another Macintosh across your network or across the Internet.
The Alternative to Hacking - AwkwardTV
by sbrothierOne of the very best reasons to hack your Apple TV was to get more storage. With 2.0 and iTunes 7.6.1 onwards you get much better sync / stream options. The ATV used to distinguish between "Shared" iTunes libaries, from which you could stream content and that which was synced. Now, you can select what to sync and what to stream from a library and as long as the iTunes Mac/PC is on, all the content is available seamlessly - whether local to the ATV or not.
JungleDisk - Reliable online storage powered by Amazon S3 ™ - Jungle Disk
by fredbirdJungle Disk is an application that lets you store files and backup data securely to Amazon.com's S3 ™ Storage Service.
* Store an unlimited amount of data for only 15¢ per gigabyte
* No monthly subscription fee, no startup fee, no commitment
* Your data is fully encrypted at all times
* Data is stored at multiple Amazon.com datacenters around the country for high availability
* Access files directly from Windows Explorer, Mac OSX Finder, and Linux
How I automated my backups to Amazon S3 using s3sync. | John Eberly’s Geek Blog
by nhoizey & 2 others (via)I wanted a simple low level tool to perform automatic backups S3. I decided to use s3sync to do the heavy lifting and use the jets3t Cockpit GUI to monitor my S3 account. The following explains how I successfully started automating my backups to S3 using s3sync and cockpit.
JungleDisk and Amazon S3: Secure, Redundant, Encrypted Backup | Andy Wibbels
by nhoizey (via)When first announced, S3 didn't make much of a splash with consumers because there weren't any applications for it yet - it was simply a service waiting for the geeks to write something fantastic for it. That fantastic application is here: JungleDisk.
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