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PUBLIC MARKS with tags magazine & free




by vodkacoca
ENTRISME est un magazine culturel contemporain et transversal, abordant pêle-mêle les domaines de la musique, de la littérature, de la mode, de la culture geek et de la night life, du cinéma et de l'architecture. Mais l'enjeu est ici d'affirmer un ton différent, décalé, en rupture avec les formes consensuelles ou démagogiques en vigueur. Les articles ne se prétendent pas objectifs, ils revendiquent même souvent leur excessivité, leur subjectivité "naturelle", leur caractère gonzo ou générationnel, ou encore leur aspect purement littéraire. |

by simon_bricolo & 5 others
Magazines du monde en entier en pdf gratuits

Revista GDHn

by jdrsantos
A Revista GdHn é uma revista digital, 100% gratuita e focada no público técnico da área de tecnologia. O projeto é mantido pelo Guia do Hardware.NET, site reconhecido nacionalmente dentro do ramo e por diversos colaboradores que apoiam a idéia.


by nachilau & 5 others
A fee online magazine site

Full Circle Magazine

by jdrsantos & 5 others
Full Circle is a free, independent, magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to articles and reader submitted stories.


International iksurf Magazine

by rmaltete
Free Online Kite Surfing Magazine

Free Software Magazine

by jdrsantos & 12 others
Free Software Magazine is the free online magazine about free software. It is free to subscribe and free to read online. Please, feel free to read all of our issues, book reviews, newsletters, and blog entries. We now have hundreds of articles online, so

New Stuff every day Hot Zone Online Snowboard ProShop

by tommiG
Hey to all.. Winter is going over usualy it was never Winter but anyway, we have getting some Ultra Super Dope Fresh New Stuff from Analog, Gravis, Burton, Iriedaily and more. Winter Selling wanna get a snowboard for a good Price check it out. So protect yaself with Boardshorts, Bags and all what you need for the Summer feeling. Go there. In love with the Dude forever! - Your PDF mag’s magazine

by solveig_vidal & 19 others (via)
Here you find links and soon much more information about free PDF mag's from all over the world with main focus on art, design, illustration and life.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag magazine

ajax +   applications +   art +   blogs +   business +   code +   computer +   computing +   css +   database +   design +   development +   english +   firefox +   fonts +   fun +   graphics +   guide +   hacking +   html +   humor +   internet +   linux +   news +   opensource +   pdf +   photo +   podcast +   programming +   python +   rails +   reference +   resources +   reviews +   robotics +   rss +   ruby +   security +   software +   standards +   technology +   tips +   tools +   tutorial +   tutorials +   usability +   video +   webdesign +   wiki +   wordpress +  

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