public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags maps & extension

May 2006

MGeocoder: A Geocoding Google Maps API Extention

by ycc2106 & 1 other
The Google Maps API lacks a Geocoder. This extension integrates free geocoders, for non-commercial use, directly into Google Maps.

April 2006

March 2006

Loki — You Can Get There From Here

by ycc2106 & 3 others
The Loki functionality is based on Skyhook Wireless WiFi Positioning System (WPS) which uses WiFi access points to triangulate a user's location. With WPS operating to determine and publish the user's latitude/longitude, street, address, zip code, city, state or general geographic area, the Loki users can efficiently and effectively use that location to quickly find the most and accurate information.

Loki — You Can Get There From Here

by ycc2106 & 6 others
The Loki functionality is based on Skyhook Wireless WiFi Positioning System (WPS) which uses WiFi access points to triangulate a user's location. With WPS operating triangulation latitude/longitude, street, address, zip code, city, s

August 2005

Google Maps : filled polygons, custom icons, and more

by fastclemmy & 1 other
So you want to create filled polygons, custom icons, and more in your Google Maps app?

July 2005

June 2005

Une extension Firefox de geolocalisation via Google Maps - Prendre un Café

by nicolasd & 2 others (via)
la geolocalisation d'un site web via notamment l'outil cartographique dans le buzz, Google Maps, ainsi que d'autres outils en ligne du même accabit (MultiMap, Flickr nearby et Mapquest)

Une extension Firefox de geolocalisation via Google Maps - Prendre un Café

by jl2k5 & 2 others (via)
la geolocalisation d'un site web via notamment l'outil cartographique dans le buzz, Google Maps, ainsi que d'autres outils en ligne du même accabit (MultiMap, Flickr nearby et Mapquest)

Une extension Firefox de geolocalisation via Google Maps - Prendre un Café

by nhoizey & 2 others (via)
la geolocalisation d'un site web via notamment l'outil cartographique dans le buzz, Google Maps, ainsi que d'autres outils en ligne du même accabit (MultiMap, Flickr nearby et Mapquest)

Active users

last mark : 21/05/2006 07:23

last mark : 15/04/2006 04:56

last mark : 04/08/2005 15:55

last mark : 01/07/2005 21:06

last mark : 29/06/2005 08:08

last mark : 28/06/2005 20:01

last mark : 28/06/2005 15:48