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PUBLIC MARKS with tags maven & java



WebJars - Web Libraries in Jars

by mfaure
inclure Bootstrap, JQuery ou autre directement dans le pom.xml et dans le WEB-INF/META-ING




Devoxx – L’avenir de Java | Blog Xebia France

by night.kame

Maven est de nos jours omniprésent dans les entreprises. Cet outil s'est imposé au fil des années comme un standard dans la gestion des dépendances Java : même ses concurrents tels qu'Ivy ou Gradle sont basés sur le système de définition des modules de Maven et sur son réseau de dépôts.

Maven s'est en effet imposé dans le lavage de cerveau dans certaines entreprises. Ce qui conduit ces experts sous le coup de l'imposition à écrire des bêtises sur Ivy et Gradle (Gradle utilisant Ivy, c'est même de la méconaissance en double-couche).



Maven Repository: Search/Browse/Explore

by Regis (via)
Search artifacts in the official maven repository.


Maven2 assembly

by Regis (via)
How to use maven-assembly-plugin to create an EAR from various modules.

Maven 2.0

by nmoreau
Article d'introduction à Maven

Keep Your Maven Projects Portable Throughout the Build Cycle

by Regis (via)
How portable is your Java project? How many modifications must be made to a build environment in order to produce a successful artifact? Determine your project's portability and learn how Maven can improve it.

Continuous Integration with Continuum

by nmoreau
"Integrate early, integrate often." This is the underlying principle of continuous integration, a powerful development practice recently brought into the spotlight by the Agile methodologies. Apache Continuum is a flexible, easy-to-use tool that can help you put continuous integration into action. In this article, we will go through the basic principals of continuous integration, and then focus on how we can use Continuum to set up a continuous integration server. We will cover installing and configuring the server and setting up a particular project, including how to check the project status and receive build failure notification in various ways

Maintain Better Coding Standards with Ease Using Checkstyle

by nmoreau
Coding standards are a time-honored and widely respected programming best practice. However, they are not always easy to put into action. Find out how Checkstyle can help you define and enforce a set of coding standards and promote good and consistent programming habits across your team.


by Regis & 1 other
Java web application to serve as maven proxy on company's intranet.

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