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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "mecano web" & javascript


html5.js > html5-now - Dean Edwards

by tehu, 2 comments

A JavaScript library to support HTML5 in non-compliant browsers

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Add. Bruce Lawson : Dean was showing his new JavaScript library that plugs the holes in browsers’ HTML 5 implementations. If a browser does do something natively, ther library does nothing; otherwise it fills that gap—so now you can have Web Forms with all browsers, canvas in IE. As a bonus, it’s all keyboard accessible, everything looks like native UI controls and it even inherits the native Windows themes. I’m looking forward to helping beta test this baby.


Dean Edwards: IE7.js version 2.0 (beta)

by tehu & 3 others (via)
Première version beta (la précédente datait d'août 2005 !). Le script a été refondu en 2 parties : IE7.js + IE8.js



slayeroffice : alternatives to innerHTML

by tehu & 15 others (via)
The focus of this article will be to show you ways of doing things commonly reserved for innerHTML with only DOM methods. - web 2.0 javascript

by tehu & 199 others (via) provides you with easy-to-use, compatible and, ultimately, totally cool JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly, Web 2.0 style

jQuery: New Wave Javascript

by tehu & 77 others (via)
jQuery is a new type of Javascript library. It is not a huge, bloated, framework promising the best in AJAX - nor is just a set of needlessly complex enhancements - jQuery is designed to change the way that you write Javascript.


24 ways - splintered striper

by tehu & 1 other (via)
This script programmatically adds two alternating CSS background colours to table rows


by tehu & 27 others (via)
Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours.

Textarea tools

by tehu & 22 others (via)
Small collection of tools for use with textareas (or input fields).

Embedded images

by tehu
Garoo's page embeds inline images in code. There's a fallback for IE in js. Pro: less HTTP requests. Con: gzipping is less efficient.

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last mark : 02/07/2009 08:22