Re: [tcpdump-workers] Freeing memory in libpcap
by sylvainulgIs it sufficient to detelet context in RPC Response Messages - oversim | Google Groups
by sylvainulgASCII by Jason Scott / Floppy Disks: It’s Too Late
by night.kameI am telling you this because I am grabbing you by the fucking collar and shaking very hard because it is obvious you need to be shaken very hard and told that this is it. This is the endgame for floppies. We went over the hump, and the chances of rescue are slim to none now, but there are still chances. It’s a chance that needs to be taken now.
Vos disquettes 5"1/4 meurent, la mémoire s'en va, le dernier moment pour essayer de sauver cette mémoire arrive incessamment très vite.