public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags microsoft & nintendo

February 2007


by DaSayan
Blog de news quotidiennes sur les technologies, l'informatique et Internet, avec également des liens insolites et des jeux.

January 2007

Espace Emulation News

by Roswell
Toute l'actualité des jeux vidéo, de l'emulation et du gamemaking.

December 2006

These Guy's Really "Dig" the XBox 360

by ehdmi
OK, we would all like to have a XBox 360 and do some HD gaming right? Well, there's a story breaking in Jacksonville, FL that's just a tad bit ridiculous..

October 2006

August 2006

What's the trend? 360 vs PS3 vs Nintendo Wii

by ehdmi
I ran the numbers to get a feel of how popular the keywords, 360,wii and ps3 were and the results were fairly predictable. There has been a pretty large drop in 360 inquires since the other 2 have come onto the scene.

May 2006

Microsoft recommends Wii (its not a joke)

by kramkoob
Microsoft seems to have decided to side with Nintendo in order to overthrow Sony’s current lead in the videogame market. Whether the strategy will work or not remains to be seen.

September 2005

Online-JV :: Index

by Hybrid (via)
Toute l'actu des jeux en réseau sur console, venez rejoindre la communauté fraichement créée, systeme de clan et de points, news très fréquente. Le site parle des jeux vidéo ONLINE sur les consoles nouvelles générations tel que Xbox 360, PS3, Revolution et PSP dernierement.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag microsoft

CMTC +   erp +   GreatPlains +   system:imported +   vendors +  

Active users

last mark : 04/07/2007 02:22

last mark : 29/01/2007 21:14

last mark : 18/12/2006 02:08

last mark : 26/10/2006 16:35

last mark : 11/05/2006 20:30

last mark : 25/09/2005 15:03