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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mobile & google



Creating a Lightsaber with Polymer | Google Web Showcase - Google Developers

by sbrothier
How we used Polymer to create a high-performance WebGL mobile controlled Lightsaber that is modular and configurable. We review some of the key details of our project to help you save time when creating your own next time you run into a pack of angry Stormtroopers.

Pourquoi le nouvel algorithme de Google fait craindre un "Armageddon mobile"

by srcmax
Le moteur de recherche lancera mardi son nouvel algorithme « mobile-friendly » mettant plus en avant les sites adaptés aux smartphones. Les deux tiers des sites français ne seraient pas prêts et risquent de perdre beaucoup de visibilité, donc d’audience et potentiellement de recettes.


Mobile-Friendly Test

by srcmax & 1 other
This test will analyze a URL and report if the page has a mobile-friendly design.

The Revolution in Interactive Storytelling Has Arrived, and Surprise, Google Is Behind It | Cartoon Brew

by sbrothier
Last week, Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects group released the second animated short, Buggy Night, in its Spotlight Stories, a series of interactive mobile-specific animated films available on Moto X phones. Like the first film in the series, Windy Day, which debuted last October, the new short relies on spatial awareness and the sensory inputs of a mobile device to create a distinctive storytelling experience.

Google Glass Experiment

by sbrothier
Top-notch cross-platform solution integrating a mobile device, web and Google Glass. Imagine sports as you have never seen before!

MapTiler - fast maps for the web and mobile. Prepare map tiles for Google Maps, Google Earth KML SuperOverlay

by sbrothier & 1 other
Drop images of maps into MapTiler and with a couple of clicks the software prepares HTML files with viewers based on Google Maps API, Leaflet and OpenLayers. Enjoy the maps on your mobile phone or tablet even while offline.


Mobile_Detect - php-mobile-detect - Lightweight PHP class for mobile/desktop detection - The lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets) - Google Project Hosting

by Krome
Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices. It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.


Niantic Project

by gregg
In an out-of-universe context, the organization behind the leaks is NianticLabs, a division of Google whose only other reported project to date is their Field Trip app. This ARG although involving it, seems unrelated to Field Trip, and its size and complexity leads us to speculate that it is for a completely new product, which may or may not share the emphasis on geolocation.


by gregg & 1 other
Meet Ingress, a new free mobile app and alternate reality game made by Google launching today (on Android first, available as soon as it makes it through the Google Play release process). Ingress is a project of former Google director of geo John Hanke and his Niantic Labs, a start-up team wholly inside of Google. » Archive du blog » Vers une standardisation des bannières riches mobiles »

by sbrothier
Lancée en fin d’année dernière, l’initiative Rich Media Designs for Mobile de Google se présente sous la forme d’une série de gabarits standardisés de formats publicitaires enrichis pour les smartphones et tablettes. Une démarche qui a visiblement reçu le soutien de la profession avec cette distinction récemment acquise : IAB names Google winner of their Mobile Rising Stars contest.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mobile

apple +   device +   framework +   html 5 +   ipad +   iphone +   javascript +   open source +   operating system +   reference +   samsung +   screen +   size +  

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