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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mozilla & xhtml


ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications - MDC

by nhoizey & 1 other
ARIA, formerly known as DHTML accessibility, is a standard being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium



by fox_b
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) は、2次元ベクトルグラフィックのための XML マークアップ言語です。


by sdaclin & 25 others
[EN] Présentation d'AJAX par la fondation mozilla


Mozilla Developer Center

by sdaclin & 16 others
[EN] La page incontournable pour les développeurs web qui respectent les standards

Mozilla Demos Page

by macroron & 2 others
This page contains links to a few demos which show off Mozilla's excellent standards support.

Sticky Notes Demo -

by macroron
This demo uses XBL to create a widget that functions as a board for PostIt notes. It's possible to add new Notes, to edit already existed ones (E) and to delete obsolete ones (X).

MathML and Mozilla

by parmentierf
Itex2mml transforms webpages with embedded itex (a dialect of latex) into xhtml and MathML pages, suitable for viewing with Mozilla.


by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
Kupu is a 'document-centric' open source client-side editor for Mozilla, Netscape and Internet Explorer. Inspired by Maik Jablonski's Epoz editor, it was written by Paul Everitt, Guido Wesdorp and Philipp von Weitershausen (and several other contributors, for a complete list refer to the CREDITS.txt file) to improve the JavaScript code and architecture, pluggability, standards support, support for other webservers than Zope (which was the original target platform for Epoz), configurability and a lot of other issues.

IE -> Mozilla Guide for Web Application Developers

by redyrod & 5 others (via)
Even though Web Standards exist, different browsers behave differently, sometimes even the same browser may behave so on different platforms.

IE -> Mozilla Guide for Web Application Developers

by Monique & 5 others (via)
Even though Web Standards exist, different browsers behave differently, sometimes even the same browser may behave so on different platforms.

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info: Web Developer

by nhoizey (via)
Adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. Current tools include converting form POSTs to GETs, hiding images, outlining block level elements, and disabling styles - plus many more. - mozile: index

by fredbird & 1 other
Mozile or Mozilla Inline Editor is an in-browser, context-sensitive, XHTML editor that allows a user to edit all or just specific editable sections of any XHTML page from the comfort of his own browser. It can act as the client-side of a content-editing system or as a self-contained "web word processor"

Html Validator for Firefox and Mozilla

by mbertier & 17 others (via)
HTML Validator is an Mozilla extension that adds HTML validation to Firefox and Mozilla. The number of errors of a HTML page is seen on the form of an icon in the status bar when browsing. The details of the errors are seen when looking the HTML source of the page.

Html Validator for Firefox and Mozilla

by Monique & 17 others (via)
HTML Validator is an Mozilla extension that adds HTML validation to Firefox and Mozilla. The number of errors of a HTML page is seen on the form of an icon in the status bar when browsing. The details of the errors are seen when looking the HTML source of the page.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mozilla

**** +   capture +   extensions +   firefox sync +   gecko +   google +   googlemaps +   live +   maps +   pdf +   server +   weave +  

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