try to remain invisible
by HKWe’re currently working on a new subtlemob called ‘OUR BROKEN VOICE’ We plan to premiere it in spring 2010, with an international tour to follow. “a single event explodes into many fragments and strands . . you step into one of those strands and piece it together with strangers who are
Rapid Eye Movies : R.E.M dans l'œil des Concerts à emporter- Ecrans
by HKRapid Eye Movies : R.E.M dans l’œil des Concerts à emporter
esteban diacono personal online portfolio | personal online portfolio
by HKmy name is esteban diácono, i’m a freelance motion graphics designer living and working in argentina. please feel free to visit the site, check out the featured work and leave all kind of comments and feedback, they’re always welcome.
by HK & 5 othersradiohead japan tour avec différentes sequances
Harvest : Olle Cornéer
by HK“Harvest for terrafon“, performance de Olle Cornéer et Martin Lübcke. Suède.
The Turn - Fredo Viola
by HK & 8 othersautre site de l'artiste musicien Fredo viola avec interface interactive experimentale
Fredo Viola
by HKsite de l'artiste/musicien Fredo Viola, tres beau site avec illustrations, bio, videos
by HK & 5 othersRéalisation d'un mini jeu flash en ActionScript 2.
ALAIN SOUCHON | site officiel
by HK & 2 othersLe site Officiel d'Alain Souchon : Actu Videos Goodies Bio Bonus site tres drole crée par Diplomatic Cover (agence de création)
Startseite: WDR Klangkiste
by HKA fun portal showcasing basic overview of instruments and music styles. An interesting use of grid like présentation of all vignettes 66 cards of instruments / type of concert assembles / technical staff with audio samples and fancy graphic design. 7-10 years Too bad the sound design is so annoying. You know this type of sounds that play all the time when you mouse over a button or any image. Here, there is lik eone sound on every damn pixel so anywhere you put your mouse, there is a sound playing making a noisy cacophonie like someone was testing all instruments at once. Nice use of short stop maotion effects and édit on vidéos to présenting the musicians. Quiet créative and entertaining but generally, you feel very far away from the instruments. You would want to try sounds and tunes. They actually have the idea of creating a virtual practicing room - 1’ video format - Memory games - Interactive music playing games (using interactive video technics)
Wreckage of my Past
by tehuYes it is about Ozzy O. but the score (as the title) sounds very close to the last Idaho opus (Jeff Martin). (via filmoculous)
nine inch nails: the slip
by websnew album of NIN, totally free, available in a variety of formats including high-quality MP3, FLAC or M4A lossless at CD quality and even higher-than-CD quality 24/96 WAVE \o/
The British Pop Sound of the 1985-1993 era
by tehuAn American Documentary called "Beautiful Noise" yet to be released. I never consider to call that "shoegaze music".
Concerts à emporter #15 - Elysian Fields
by tehuJennifer and Oren play songs on a roof in Manhattan
slidingpast.com - the IDAHO archive
by tehurarities unreleased - the days 2004 before the Lone Gunman