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PUBLIC MARKS with tags musique & youtube


Thru You Too

by gregg
A music album composed of unrelated YouTube videos Made by Kutiman


Peggo - Télécharger simplement le mp3 ou la vidéo de Youtube

by plooki & 3 others
Peggo est un service qui vous aidera à récupérer une piste audio au format mp3 ou même une vidéo provenant de Youtube. Ça peut éventuellement dépanner ;-)



by gregg & 3 others
Tubalr allows you to effortlessly listen to a band's or artist's top YouTube videos without all the clutter YouTube brings. To get started just type a band's or artist's name into the search box and select only or similar.



La violation des droits d'auteur augmente les ventes (Ecrans)

by nhoizey
Un groupe de musique booste sa popularité après qu’un de leur titre soit apparu dans un clip sans autorisation.

YouTube - Chunky Move's Mortal Engine

by xibe
Joli, mais j'aime surtout la musique ("Theory of Machine", par Ben Frost, ).

Arcattack: Faraday Fun - Imperial March

by xibe & 1 other

Parsec Iron Clad, AKA Patrick, AKA Parsnips MonkeyClown builds and tests a new Faraday suit to the tune of the imperial march.

Y'a des tarés partout :)

Kutiman, Big Media, and the Future of Creative Entrepreneurship | 43 Folders

by xibe
<blockquote><p>Because, this is what your new Elvis looks like, gang. And, eventually somebody will figure out (and publicly admit) that Kutiman, and any number of his peers on the “To-Sue” list, should be passed from Legal down to A&R.</p><p>Everybody knows the business has moved from legal to binary files. The question now is how much more lead time old media companies and other IP-obsessives can afford to burn by pretending it’s otherwise.</p></blockquote>

THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube

by nhoizey & 3 others
Un mix énoooorme de vidéos YouTube, à voir, et surtout écouter !


The BPA - Toe Jam Featuring David Byrne & Dizze Rascal

by xibe (via)
Clip vidéo amusant, détournant la censure dans un but artistique. Je dis ça, c'est pour éviter qu'on me dise que je suis un pervers hein :)

YouTube - Heart - Crazy on you

by xibe (via)
L'intro à la guitare acoustique qui tchue un peu.

YouTube - Melodyne - Direct Note Access

by xibe
"A pioneering technology that makes the impossible possible: edit individual notes within chords and polyphonic audio material! Yes, audio, not MIDI. " YouTube = music tv goodness

by xibe
"This is a mashup of and YouTube made by Tim Bormans. It’s best described as an online music television based on your taste."

Vanessa Paradis au NRJ MUSIC AWARDS

by kooolman
Ca va, tu ne te sens pas trop seul Vanessa ? Tiens dis donc, mais t'as mis où ton micro ?


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Gladys De Micheli
last mark : 22/06/2010 14:01

last mark : 28/07/2009 14:03

last mark : 20/07/2009 13:07

last mark : 04/06/2009 09:10

last mark : 11/05/2009 08:53

last mark : 06/03/2009 14:56

last mark : 08/09/2008 15:15

last mark : 05/02/2008 07:15