03 January 2006
Blogger Blogthis! Upgrade - Freshblog
by ecmanautWe both did. Where the Google Reader people are Greasemonkey friendly and generally housebroken, the Blogger people certainly are not, randomly spray changing name and id attributes all over the place, always restructuring, rarely if ever reusing the same
29 December 2005
Marshall Kirkpatrick » GMail's AJAX Spell Check Evolves Further
by ecmanaut<i>I already use it as my default spell checker for all that blog software out there that doesn’t have spell checking built in.</i><br><br>Does this mean you have beat me to isolating the spell checker components and made a GreaseMonkey script to integr
21 December 2005
Browservulsel: Blogger tag adder now supports compose mode
by ecmanautIf you want to make it work with the BlogThis! button too, I just wrote that code in my forked (and by now rather hairy beast badly in need of some refactoring) version of the script. <a href="http://ecmanaut.blogspot.com/2005/12/greasemonkey-tip-running-
13 December 2005
Browservulsel: Blogger edit comments user script
by ecmanautThis script is set up to inject on (among others) http://blogger.com/posts-search.g -- which is a page I am not familiar with, I believe. Where do I find it?<br><br>I am presently doing a Greasemonkey 0.6.4 rehaul of this script and thought I ought to che
05 December 2005
Greasemonkey Method: Update for Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - Freshblog
by ecmanautExcellent and to-the-point summary! I think I'll write a small follow-up on <a href="http://ecmanaut.blogspot.com/2005/12/styling-your-blog-post-tags-list-with.html?tags=Blogger" >how to style the tags list to get nice little Del.icio.us icons</a> the way
30 November 2005
Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey - Freshblog
by ecmanautAre you running <a href="http://www.mozdev.org/pipermail/greasemonkey/2005-October/006356.html" rel="nofollow">Greasemonkey 0.6.3</a>? Works like a charm for me, though I heard Jasper on the Greasemonkey mailing list reporting occasional trouble with runn
27 November 2005
Browservulsel: Form data rescue user script
by ecmanautIt's unfortunate that this won't protect against the event of a browser crash, which is what I typically lose form content from. At least I assume it would not; the Greasemonkey config.xml is only committed to disk at successful closedown of the browser,
(7 marks)