27 December 2005
informationsarkitekt.se: Utveckla webbplatser för användare med kognitiva nedsättningar och inlärningsproblem
by ecmanautDet här är också alldeles utmärkta tips för att förbättra websiter, eller för den delen artiklar i än vidare mening, för den breda allmänheten som inte har några kognitiva nedsättningar att tala om.
14 December 2005
Developer Discussion: Preview post
by ecmanautWhen posting on the Ning Developer Discussion Board...<br><br>...Hmm, that is one lengthy name, and you seem to have forgotten to add it in the alt="" attribute of the header image too (for cut and paste convenience for lazy typists like myself and improv
18 November 2005
Panoramio » Blog Archive » Direct Manipulation
by ecmanautUsable design is also about visually (and indeed texturally, audiably et cetera, as applies) communicating how each interaction device is used; in which manner you interact with it. I'm not sure how a blob on a map would tell you it's draggable, but it ou
16 November 2005
Who Just Posted? - Freshblog
by ecmanautIncidentally, not showing your face is number two on Nielsen's list of the <a href="http://www.useit.com/alertbox/weblogs.html" rel="nofollow">top ten most common blog design mistakes</a>. (This not intended as a "got ya!" kind of post; I still don't pass
(4 marks)