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PUBLIC MARKS with tags network & blog


Critical-Gaming Network - Blog - Save System Design pt.3

by sylvainulg (via)
Another interesting example of save system design is the Zelda series from A Link To The Past (SNES) onward (except Majora's Mask). In these games, you can pause and save at any time. But you cannot load from within the game.



Critical-Gaming Network - Blog - A Crash Course In Innovation

by sylvainulg (via)
If you want to create video games to capture, express, and present your unique ideas then it’s clear that you’ll need some innovation to represent your uniqueness. And because innovation can also to solve problems, it helps us convey our ideas and experiences more effectively.

Critical-Gaming Network - Blog - The Dimensions of Fez

by sylvainulg
"Fez is a great example of a game that subverts core design elements of both platforming and puzzle game design."


Critical-Gaming Network - Blog - Drebin #1#2

by sylvainulg
not only is he criticizing games. He also write some.


2008 - a community of hope, innovation and purpose

by springnet
Oaktreeidea is not your average social networking website. Oaktreeidea is just that, an idea, an innovation. Where community members can be inspired and accomplish big things. Things with purpose.



by blogsir
三,“意见领袖”类blogger还很匮乏。 中国博客看似红红火火,但其实并不深入,所谓“全民参与”更象是一个假象。真正行业内的中坚力量(含精英群体)并没有参与到博客写作其中,比如企业家、业内专家以及一线的精英们。 四,缺乏强势的精英blog network推动。

Des outils collaboratifs pour votre réseau

by Dliz & 18 others
CollectiveX est un ensemble d'outils publics ou privés pour votre réseaux. Vous pourrez ainsi disposer d'un site "corporate, d'un blog, et de calendrier, de forum et de gestionnaire de fichiers.

Une suite collaborative complète

by Dliz & 3 others
CoMindWork est un ensemble de service pour collaborer. Vous pourrez donc avoir un accès à un gestionnaire de projet, un wiki, un blog, des tags, la gestion des tickets, un trackeur, une boite email et un lecteur RSS, un gestionnaire de communauté, un gestionnaire de fichiers, ... et d'autres encore. Le seul bémol, c'est l'ergonomie qui me parait un peu pas top...

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