December 2007
lecool magazine
by topdos & 3 others le cool magazine is a free, weekly magazine presenting a selection of concerts, djs, exhibitions, odd movies and other cultural events and happenings. It is also a clever guide to the city's most worthwhile bars, restaurants, shopping and other experiences, without being necessarily trendy - just really good. Instead of printing and distributing a paper magazine it is sent every Thursday to its subscribers as a graphical e-mail, laid-out in a horizontal format with pages, as if it were a traditional magazine. Sign up now, it's free and totally painless!
Read this week's le cool
April 2007
March 2007
Bloc Party by Atomik
by AtomikSite sur le groupe londonien.
Au programme : news, photos, discographie, biographie, médias ...
December 2005
cocktails builder recherche de cocktails
by cockMoteur de recherche de cocktails multicritères. Recherchez le cocktail sur mesure suivant ses caractéristiques, ses alcools et ses ingrédients, le tout gratuitement.
cocktails recettes de cocktails
by cock & 2 othersConsultez toutes les recettes de cocktails, avec ou sans alcool, chauds ou froids, softs ou hard.Avec moteur de recherche, le tout gratuitement.Proposez vos propres recettes et notez celles des autres.
(5 marks)