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PUBLIC MARKS with tags online & school


Siber İstihbarat Tanımı ve Faaliyet Alanı

by hothot
Siber İstihbarat; hedef ülkenin siber uzaydaki altyapısını teşkil eden cihazlar, kablolar, enerji üreticileri, internet servis sağlayıcıları, sunucular vb. ile siber saldırı, siber istihbarat faaliyetlerinde bulunacak ya da siber savunma yapacak olan teknokratların, görevlilerin nitelik ve nicelik gibi özellikleri hakkında bilgi elde edilmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir.


Diploma Factories: GED vs. Fake High School Diploma

by denmx
For today?s student, distance learning can provide a valuable and affordable way to work toward a GED. But there are a growing number of companies and schools who aren?t really in the business of education. Instead, they?re in the diploma business ? their biggest business is selling quick and easy programs or simple online tests that come with worthless transcripts and fake diplomas.

FREE anonymous MySpace unblocked Proxy Ds + FREE Video Download

by ieee1294
Downloading videos directly to your computer from MySpace, YouTube, Google Video etc. Browse the internet using anonymous proxy site / server to hide your information such as identity, physical location etc. Visit =)

Directory of Accredited Online High School Courses and Diploma Programs -

by novia

Directory of distance learning and online high school courses and diploma programs. Earn your high school diploma at home by quality and accredited schools such as Penn Foster and many more.

Online Career Training Programs and Education Courses -

by novia

Directory of online career training programs and distance learning courses to further your education from medical billing training to a career in criminal justice and more from

Find the right Resources for Homeschooling Curriculum

by novia

Directory of accredited homeschooling curriculum and resources including high school diploma programs, preschool resources and much more. Find the right homeschooling program and providers for parents teaching at home.

Directory of College Preparatory Resources.

by novia
Online Directory for college preparator y resources, test prep courses, tutorials, and aids. Admission test preparation resources including the SAT, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, and TOEFL. 



by Spooky
Site for Nursing Info. Nursing Schools, Online Nursing Degree and Much More!

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