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PUBLIC MARKS with tags opensource & download


Universal Encoding Detector: character encoding auto-detection in Python

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Character encoding auto-detection in Python 2 and 3. As smart as your browser. Open source.

urlShort - Open Source URL Shortener

by ycc2106
* All URL data contained in a MySQL database, making it easy to back up and manage.\n * Automatic installation and easy customization.\n * Simple and clean interface for both user and administration functions.\n * Full API to allow other services and websites to interact with your short URL service.\n * URL preview functionality keeps your users safe, and lets them know where they're going.\n * Inline media embeds provide quick access to MP3, FLV, or image files.\n * Ability to choose custom short names/aliases for personalized and identifiable short URLs.\n * Cross-platform and cross-browser appearance.\n * 100% free and open source - Do whatever you want with it, no catches.


by ycc2106 & 1 other
open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards.


GIF and PNG Images for Math Symbols

by ycc2106
This is a collection of 1179 bit-mapped, 12-point, transparent images of mathematical letters and symbols, suitable for display on a web page. The bit maps attempt to resemble standard fonts used by the LaTeX typesetting program. Each image is provided in


rubyosx - Ruby One-Click Installer for OSX

by ycc2106 & 1 other
This package is the most simple way to equip your Macintosh Apple OSX System with Ruby

Tango Desktop Project - Tango Desktop Project

by ycc2106 & 23 others
The Tango Desktop Project exists to help create a consistent graphical user interface experience for free and Open Source software. Welcome to

by adampieniazek & 53 others
The world's largest development and download repository of Open Source code and applications


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag opensource

firefox +   scuttle +   socialbookmarks +   tagging +  

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