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PUBLIC MARKS with tags opinion & politique




Oops, sorry, won't do. We can't just shrug our shoulders over this shooting - Opinion Tim Hames - Times Online

by babils (via)
This attempt to blame Mr Menezes for his own death continues unabated. It was hinted that he might have been an illegal immigrant, as if that justifies what occurred. It has been argued that it was “irresponsible” of him to wear a quilted jacket in July, as if that were a crime. There are, furthermore, “no excuses”, it is intoned, for the fact that he ran when armed plainclothed police officers shouted at him. I don’t know about you, but if I found myself minding my own business on the São Paulo metro and was suddenly confronted by men wearing no uniforms but wielding weapons, screaming at me in Portuguese, I too might choose to bolt for it. It was not merely the police but their victim who had to make a split-second decision.

RSS Notre Désillusion européenne

by arbogast & 1 other (via)
L’Europe devait nous apporter prospérité, solidarité et confiance. Elle nous a enfoncés dans le chômage de masse. Elle aggrave la concurrence de tous contre tous. Elle mine l’espoir dans le futur, et ajoute ses propres inquiétudes à un ciel déjà lourd de menaces.

Notre beau rêve européen est utilisé pour tuer la démocratie

by tomtom
L'argumentaire d'un marseillais appelant à voter NON au referendum sur le traité constitutionnel. Ce texte semble se propager à grande vitesse par courriel.

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