22 February 2006
A Coverup Under Two Presidents: The Unsolved Mystery of the Oklahoma City Bombing
by mikepowerLong before the Iraq war, long before 9/11, the U.S. government had already mastered the art of fluffing its intelligence on a looming threat, botching the response and then working furiously to cover its mistakes.
11 February 2006
village voice > news > Mondo Washington by James Ridgeway
by mikepowersince 9-11, in one test after another, news organizations using undercover teams have easily broken through the FAA security apparatus, rendering the entire business unworkable.
03 February 2006
TomPaine.com - Washington's Iraq Blindness
by mikepowerThe Iraq that exists in President Bush’s imagination and the real Iraq, the one in which 160,000 U.S. troops occupy a nation sliding into civil war, have never seemed further apart.
(3 marks)