ocrNow! - online ocr service server for personal and document workflow solutions
by banzaiWe take scanned images, fax documents or even PDF files and convert them, automatically, to a format you can then edit in a Word processor or other application.
MediaCoder - The universal audio/video transcoder
by banzai & 14 others (via)MediaCoder is an open source universal audio/video batch transcoder (converter), which puts together lots of excellent audio/video codecs and tools from the open source community into an all-in-one solution, capable of transcoding among different audio/video formats with many extra features.
ZMWS - Accueil
by banzai & 2 othersZazouMiniWebServer est un serveur web gratuit, simple et efficace pour windows.
Switch Sound File Conversion Software - Audio File Format Converter Software for Windows
by banzai & 4 othersSwitch Sound File Conversion Software
Writely - The Web Word Processor
by banzai & 124 othersPick exactly who can access your documents.
· Upload from Word & save to your desktop.
· Edit your documents anytime, from anywhere.
by banzaiUn catalogueur de disque est un programme qui sert à enregistrer certaines informations contenues sur les disques-durs, disquettes, CD etc.
L'intérêt de ce type de programme est de permettre de consulter et d'effectuer des recherches sur le contenu des disques archivés sans que ceux-ci soient nécessairement disponibles.
(8 marks)