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PUBLIC MARKS with tags photography & webdocumentaire



by sbrothier
Paradox is based in Edam (20 kilometres north of Amsterdam). The not for profit organisation develops projects around contemporary issues with documentary authors: photographers, filmmakers, visual artists, writers and researchers. Paradox does not programme its own exhibition space but collaborates with venues in the Netherlands and abroad.


Les 1.000 histoires du «Jeu des 1.000 euros» de France Inter -

by sbrothier
Le nec plus hype de la technologie du Web s’attaque à la plus vieille des émissions radio. Upian, société en pointe dans la production de Web documentaires a coproduit avec Radio France un Webdoc sur «Le jeu des 1.000 euros» de France Inter intitulé «Le jeu des 1.000 histoires».  Pendant plusieurs semaines, le photojournaliste Philippe Brault a sillonné les routes avec le présentateur Nicolas Stoufflet et son acolyte Yann Pailleret (celui qui tape depuis vingt-trois ans sur un métallophone pour faire résonner les célèbres dong).

Les Inrocks - Webdoc : sur la route du “Jeu des 1000 euros”

by sbrothier
Le photographe et réalisateur Philippe Brault a voyagé pendant neuf semaines avec l’équipe du “Jeu des 1000 euros”, le programme culte de France Inter. Il en a tiré un web-documentaire beau et mélancolique : “Le jeu des 1000 histoires”. On dit Super Banco.

« Le Jeu des 1.000 histoires » : présentation du webdoc | Le blog documentaire

by sbrothier & 2 others
Le monde du cinéma était à Cannes pour se rassasier des nouvelles œuvres des grands du 7ème art. La création web, elle, n’a pas besoin des mondanités du tapis rouge pour faire la Une : les locaux fraîchement repeints d’Upian suffisent en guise de palais de la découverte. Pour évoquer Le jeu des 1.000 histoires, passionnante plongée documentaire dans la France qui joue chaque jour à 12h45 sur France Inter au Jeu des 1.000 euros, nous avons rencontré Philippe Brault, le réalisateur, ainsi que les producteurs Alexandre Brachet et Margaux Missika. Et l’on n’a – une nouvelle fois – pas été déçus du déplacement…


Un webdocumentaire : "Alma" de Upian et Arte 4 | GQMAGAZINE

by sbrothier & 2 others
Réalisé par Miquel Dewever-Plana et Isabelle Fougère, Alma est un portrait en forme de confession d’une jeune femme qui a appartenu pendant 5 ans à l’un des gangs les plus violents du Guatemala. Une histoire déclinée sous forme de web-documentaire, de documentaire, d’application mobile, de livres et d’une exposition de photos et dessins des auteurs. Pour la version iPad, deux films de 40 minutes se déroulent simultanément.


Storyplanet - Helping you build interactive stories

by sbrothier & 1 other
Our online platform will make it easy to turn photos and video into beautiful interactive stories for your website of facebook.



Behind the Scenes of LENS :: digitalartwork – Multimedia Journalism

by sbrothier
A few people have been asking me how the LENS Blog on The New York Times site came to be and what software it was built on. I thought I’d shed a little light on the development process and answer some of these questions.

yellowBird Video Platform Puts You In the Middle, But Can It Tell a Story? - - The Evolution of Story.

by sbrothier
Interactive video has a long way to go, but Netherlands based yellowBird and their 360 degree offering might help move it along. We, as a species, watch a lot of vids. Buckets full, really. And for the most part, we're comfortable pressing play and being spoon-fed the story. This, at least in part, explains the lukewarm reception - commercially speaking - of interactive films. Most of the 'interactivity' centers on controlling the story.

Ian Fisher - American Soldier | The Denver Post | From Basic Training to Iraq and Back | Photos, Videos, Extras

by sbrothier & 1 other
Photographs by Denver Post photojournalist Craig F. Walker track Ian FIsher from high school graduation through basic training, assignment to Colorado's Fort Carson and a year-long deployment in Iraq.

Georgian Spring: A Magnum Journal

by sbrothier
Georgian Spring captures the moment of Georgia's renaissance, its revival, its awakening. Ten Magnum photographers visited Georgia during the spring of 2009.

Bangladesh © 2009 - By Jonathan Bjerg Møller / Presented by Bombay Flying Club

by sbrothier
five short multimedia documentaries - The weather is changing and the forecast is grim

Génération Tian'anmen : avoir vingt ans en Chine - Asie-Pacifique - Le

by sbrothier & 2 others
Le documentaire de Narrative et Patrick Zachmann, le printemps de Pékin raconté jour après jour par Patrick Zachmann qui a couvert ce "Woodstock chinois" avant lemassacre du 4 juin 1989. L'auteur s'interroge : que signifie avoir vingt ans en Chine en 1989 et en 2009 ? Diffusé à l'occasion du 20ème anniversaire des événements de Tian'anmen sur et Ce programme est soutenu par Doha Centre for Media Freedom et le CNC.

One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times

by sbrothier & 1 other
Series produced by Sarah Kramer and Alexis Mainland, photographs by Todd Heisler, Interactive development by Tom Jackson


The Stagg Party | Web Series |

by sbrothier

"With its rampant female nudity and nonjudgmental "adult industry" theme, the voyeuristic Web hordes will love it. But the show's soft-touch intelligence and compelling characters give it depth." - LA Times (read the full review) About The Stagg Party

The Stagg Party is a documentary web series about Ellen Stagg, a professional photographer in Brooklyn, New York, whose love of photography extends from commercial jobs to more personal erotic work. The series covers topics including how she got interested in photography, how she started shooting nudes, how her work affects her dating life and relationships, what her family thinks about it, how she balances the erotic work with her more mainstream jobs and clients and what it's like being a woman in a field that people usually associate with men.

InSight America | InSight America

by sbrothier
Who are the people of America? What are we thinking? What makes us angry and frustrated? What gives us hope? Are some of us really all blue and some all red? Or are we mostly shades of purple? InSight America is an innovative documentary project that aims to explore these questions on the eve of one of the most important elections in American history. Calling on the talents of some of the world’s most respected photojournalists, using the Web to update their observations daily, InSight America is a collage of personal investigations and reflections that attempts to capture the things preoccupying Americans during the weeks leading to Election Day. What is the American Dream today?

Lauren Greenfield Photography - Kids + Money intro

by sbrothier
Money Talks: Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it.

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