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PUBLIC MARKS with tags photos & "graphic resource"



Color Hunter

by sbrothier & 13 others
create and find color palettes made from images

Color Palette Generator

by sbrothier & 44 others
Enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. This is useful for coming up with a website color palette that matches a key image a client wants to work with.



DigitalGlobe | An Imagery and Information Company

by sbrothier & 1 other
The home of the world’s leading provider of high resolution commercial imagery and the only company operating a constellation of sub-meter commercial imaging satellites. The company’s technical superiority and innovation, unparalleled commitment to customer service, extensive business partner network and open systems philosophy make DigitalGlobe the preferred supplier of imagery products to government and commercial markets.

Landsat satellite imagery - "Earth Land Surface 2000" in simulated true colour

by sbrothier
All 883 tiles of GeoCover 2000 Landsat ETM+ bands 7/4/2 are first transformed into natural color and then re-projected from separate 60 UTM zones into a consistent geographical latitude/longitude system, in order to form a global mosaic.

Spot Image - image satellite Spot, FORMOSAT-2, KOMPSAT-2, RADAR

by sbrothier & 1 other
- Spot Image assure, au niveau mondial, la diffusion des produits et services d'information géographique issus des satellites d'observation de la Terre Spot, y compris de l'instrument Végétation embarqué sur Spot 4 et 5 Spot Image assure également la distribution de données optiques ou radar acquises par d'autres satellites complémentaires offrant des images de la basse à la très haute résolution.

Spot Maps Online

by sbrothier (via)
- Spot Image propose les produits SPOTMaps, des couvertures d’étendue nationale ou régionale, orthorectifiées, constituées d’images satellite couleur Spot 5 à 2,5 m de résolution. Découpé selon votre zone d'intérêt, SPOTMaps est le référentiel géographique idéal pour répondre à vos besoins de visualisation, cartographie et planification.

Freebie Roundup: 12 Places To Download Free Textures | BittBox

by sbrothier & 1 other
I’ve only been making textures for a while now, but everyone seems to love them. I know I can’t ever get enough textures either. So I’ve been surfing and made a list of sites that offer free textures to download. Some have more than others, and some sites have higher resolution images than others, but they all have one thing in common, free downloads.

Flickr : Photos de The Library of Congress

by sbrothier
We serve as the national library for the United States, based in Washington, DC. With more than 134 million items preserved on some 530 miles of bookshelves, we're also the world's largest library.


LiveSurface Layered Image Library

by sbrothier & 3 others
The Shift LiveSurface Layered Image Library: high-resolution Photoshop image templates with pre-masked, embedded 3D surfaces.

Security Patterns - a photoset on Flickr

by sbrothier & 3 others (via)
On-going project to collect and organize envelope security patterns from around the world. To participate, send high-res scans (jpg format) to security[at] Please include your name, city/country of origin, and what type of envelope the pattern was found in, if available.

IAU Website: iau0601

by sbrothier
16. August 2006, Prague: The world's astronomers, under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), have concluded two years of work defining the difference between "planets" and the smaller "solar system bodies" such as comets and asteroids. If the definition is approved by the astronomers gathered 14-25 August 2006 at the IAU General Assembly in Prague, our Solar System will include 12 planets, with more to come: eight classical planets that dominate the system, three planets in a new and growing category of "plutons" - Pluto-like objects - and Ceres. Pluto remains a planet and is the prototype for the new category of "plutons."


valuca : Strange Clouds

by sbrothier & 4 others
Lenticular clouds are simply one more example of the beauty and complexity that can be the result from a simple process in nature.These lens-shaped clouds are often mistaken for UFO’s because of their weird shape that seems to mandate a prior design. But like evolution, it is just a process that has designed these kind of clouds...

Romain Bernardie James and Marion Paris

by sbrothier
I use both digital and traditionnal cameras. Tools : Canon 350D, Canon 5D, Canon A1, Nikon EM, Nikkormat, Certo6, Polaroid Barbie edition 600, Lomo Smena. and check the party photo blog l'aperolog

by sbrothier
Banque d'Images - Photos libres de droits - Images libres de droits

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag photos

Apparel +   art +   bags +   flickr +   fonts +   fun +   novelty +   royalty-free +   shopping +   t-shirts +  

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last mark : 02/05/2016 16:58