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PUBLIC MARKS with tags php & daemon



system_daemon - Trac

by camel (via)
System_Daemon is a PHP class that allows developers to easily create daemons with simple syntax like:

PEAR :: Package :: System_Daemon

by kasi77 (via)
System_Daemon is a PHP class that allows developers to create their own daemon applications on Linux systems. The class is focussed entirely on creating spawning standalone daemons, and for example includes: 1. Methods to generate OS-specific startup-files (init.d) (currently only Debian/Ubuntu are supported), so that your application gets started on reboot as well. 2. Methods for logging purposes 3. Simple syntax 4. Support for PEAR's Log package 5. Can run with or without PEAR (PEAR adds more elegance & functionality) 6. Default signal handlers, but optionally reroute signals to your own handlers. 7. Log levels comply with PEAR_LOG_ levels but are called SYSTEM_DAEMON_LOG_ for (in)dependency reasons 8. Set options like max RAM usage Une alternative à


phpsocketdaemon : bilbliothèque pour serveur en PHP

by clochix & 2 others
A library for writing a daemon in PHP that can handle massive amounts of client and server connections. By using this library you can focus on implementing protocol and logic, instead of spending countless hours of writing and debugging asynchronous, non blocking, high performance socket routines.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag php

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