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PUBLIC MARKS with tags php & email


Blink Title of Tab in Browser

by calipussoftware (via)
Did you ever notice that sometimes your tab title gets updated on it’s own while you are browsing websites in other tab. There are many websites that do it. For eg. you shall notice that GMAIL update the title tab with counter of total number of unread email, each time your receive a new email. It’s a good practice to notify your customer that – something has just happened which needs your attention. That way your customer would not loose that important task and you would not loose that customer. Sounds Great!!



Script d'envoi de newsletter, mass mailing en PHP - sendNews

by tbeaumanoir & 1 other
sendNews est un script sans prétention développé pour l'expédition d'une lettre d'information et l'analyse des « bounces ».

Dominic Sayers - RFC-compliant email address validator

by piouPiouM
This is a free PHP function to validate an email address against the various relevant internet RFCs.


Dotclear 2 et envoi de mails -

by parmentierf
Lorsque l'on utilise la fonction mail de php il est très fréquent de voir les mails envoyés atterrir eu spam. Ceci est dû au fait que l'adresse de l'expéditeur n'est pas la même dans l'enveloppe et dans les headers ; les filtres antispam vérifient que ces deux champs sont égaux à la réception d'un mail.

OpenInviter - Contacts importer integration with CMS like PunBB, JamRoom, Joomla and many more

by camel & 1 other
Open source OpenInviter (Open Inviter) is an free import contacts (addressbook) script from email providers like Lycos,, Rediff, IndiaTimes, KataMail, AOL, OperaMail, Yandex, Terra, Rambler,,, Yahoo!,, GMail, Libero,, Live/Hotmail, FastMail or social portals like Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bebo, Friendster, Facebook,, Hi5, MySpace, Flixster, Perfspot, Orkut, Skyrock. This contacts importer script is integrating with content management systems (aka CMS) like Joomla, JamRoom, Drupal, SimpleMachines Forum (SMF), Wordpress, Social Engine, PunBB, Joomla1.0, PhpBB. Open Inviter is written in PHP 5 (no database required but cURL or wget required) and running on any webserver (tested on Apache) offering advanced tell a friend features. OpenInviter is a free self hosted solution that does not use a third party gateway (or API) to import contacts. Sounds cool! How much? OpenInviter is totally free and open-source solution. You can download it, change it, write plugins for it. Everything for free. What are you waiting for? Grab your OpenInviter today! Go to the Download section now! Features at a glance * Easy access to your visitors address book in all major email providers and social networks around the world. * Completely painless and easy way of integrating in your website. It takes virtually not more than 5 minutes to have your own OpenInviter up and running on your site. * Constant updates so that you can sit back and relax and always have access to the latest ways to get your visitor's address book. * WGET-ready! Yes, you read right! OpenInviter is the only contacts importer supporting both WGET and cURL as methods of handling requests (since version 1.2) so now you can use it on ANY server you want without the hassle of installing libcurl! * Real time access to the service statuses so you can know if there is an email provider that is not working right with OpenInviter.

XtraFile » XtraUpload v2

by camel & 2 others
Written in PHP using the CodeIgniter Framework, XtraUpload has all the features you would expect from a file Hosting Script. Free users as well as premium users have the ability to upload files but premium users get a lot more features such as viewing files, instantly downloading files and getting the URL’s of the files they have uploaded. You can also specify the file types, sizes along with many other options. Each user must provide a valid email address when they sign up for premium as the script automatically sends the username and password to them upon reception of payment through PayPal IPN. File Hosting websites brings in large revenues and is a very easy system to setup thanks to XtraUpload.



Parsing Email Adresses in PHP

by marco & 5 others
At some point in your web apps programming life you'll come upon the need to identify something as an email address - usually when validating registration details

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