Home - WysiwygPro, Browser Based Online HTML WYSIWYG Editor
by holyver & 2 othersWysiwygPro is an advanced online HTML WYSIWYG editor that can be embedded in a web page.
Web developers may use it as an alternative to regular textarea tags in all PHP powered web applications including Content Management Systems, Blogs, Discussion Forums and Web Based E-mail Systems.
WysiwygPro is available as a PHP class for developers, as a stand alone application for editing web pages and as a plugin for many third party applications including Joomla, Mambo, WordPress and CMSimple.
Integrate WysiwygPro into your content management system or web application and empower your users' creativity. WysiwygPro enables anyone to create rich HTML content online without techical skill
Joomla! - Cutting Edge Content Management
by maxxyme & 38 othersOne of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet.
(5 marks)