05 January 1989 10:30
Mark on WordPress » WP Tutorial: Your First WP Plugin
by bit2bita video guide to creating your first WordPress plugin (in under 5 minutes!) ...
Top 9 Wordpress Plugins at Blogging Blog
by bit2bit & 1 other9 essential WP-Plugins: Akismet, Bunny's Technorati Tags, Optimal Title, Ultimate Google Analytics, WP-Cache, WP DB-Backup, WP-Cron, Spot Milk, WP-Reports
Neato : Ultimate Tag Warrior 3
by bit2bit & 14 othersMulti-headed hydra of a plugin. It allows you to add tags either through the Write Post page in wordpress in a tag box, on posts using an AJAXy box, and in posts using special syntax from external editors (or internally, if you’d like). From the writ...
(3 marks)