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PUBLIC MARKS with tags plugin & code



jQuery Deconstructed

by nhoizey
Une représentation visuelle de la structure de code de jQuery, malin !


SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by delavigne & 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.

Mettez du 3D dans vos pages Web

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
O3D est une API produite par Google qui vous permet de développer des environnements en 3 dimensions. Ces derniers pourront être accessible via un plugin pour votre navigateur.

SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.

wpng-calendar - Google Code

by delavigne & 1 other (via)
The Wordpress Google calendar plugin allows for the integration of a Google calendar into a Wordpress blog.


Password Strength Indicator and Generator | The Book and the Cover

by camel
Sometimes you want to show your user the strength of their password and although there a quite a few jQuery “plugins” that do this there are none - that I’ve found - that let you set the class of an element so that you can do a graphical representation of the strength. What I have put together is some code that I have been using on a few projects and turned it into a rough plugin. I say a rough plugin because it is very basic and not entirely flexible; let’s just call it a proof-of-concept.

Wordpress Themed Categories Plugin | Mike’s Downloads Page

by camel
I had to create my first wordpress plugin due to necessity. One of my clients require that he be able to assign different themes for each category. I have seen this feature in the Wordpress Subdomain Plugin but I can’t use it as is since my client doesn’t want his categories to be subdomains. I looked at the code of said plugin and said to myself, “heck, this is easy.”

Un plugin jQuery pour générer des plans automatiquement - Prendre un Café

by camel & 1 other
Quelques heures de boulot plus tard, jqplanize[1] est né et permet de générer automatiquement une table des matières extraite de la hiérarchie induite de la séquence des titres d'un document HTML[2]. La doc est sur la page d'accueil du projet (hébergée chez Google), ou plus exhaustivement sur cette page dédiée du présent site, avec quelques exemples live. Le code semble fonctionner sous Firefox 3 RC2 et Safari 3.1, mais ça ne marche curieusement pas sous Opera 9, et j'ai pas testé sous IE donc attendez vous à des updates[3].

Blog, Code Source, Coloration syntaxique, Highlighter, Plug in, Wordpress Add comments

by damdec
WP-Syntax provides clean syntax highlighting using GeSHi -- supporting a wide range of popular languages. It supports highlighting with or without line numbers and maintains formatting while copying snippets of code from the browser.

galleria - Google Code

by camel & 3 others (via)
Galleria is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery. It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded. It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled, centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS. The core of Galleria lies in it's smart preloading behaviour, snappiness and the fresh absence of obtrusive design elements. Use it as a foundation for your custom styled image gallery.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag plugin

firefox +   jQuery +   privacy +   social +   tracking +  

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 16/01/2009 07:11

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