Not the biggest forum ever
by slotventThe fastest growing general forum on the web! A forum about nothing! For when you just need somewhere to come, generally speaking of course!
Video Greenpeace livre du maïs OGM à Sarkozy - greenpeace, nicolas, sarkozy, ogm, d'enghien - Dailymotion Partagez Vos Videos
by sbrothier & 1 otherLe 16 mars 2007 vers 9h, des militants de Greenpeace ont déversé du maïs transgénique devant le QG de campagne de Nicolas Sarkozy, candidat à l'éléction présidentielle.
lunch with margaret
by ryanne[thursday, 23 december 2004] HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! XD XD (and don't forget the true spirit of christmas) lunch today at FCC with margaret, kirk, kris, edwin, freeman and sarah :) what a way to start my holidays!
Peru's ex-President Fujimori to woo Peru with Fuji-cola
by SheinoThe former president's supporters want the drink to boost his profile and fund his campaign for re-election in 2006.
(5 marks)