public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags president & news






by dborosev
The most insane stuff anywhere!

Poll: Most Americans love Coulter columns!

by jasontromm
President Bush has lost his momentum, Americans' support for the Iraq war is dwindling, and opposition to Bush policies is hardening. That's according to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll being covered as if it were a real news story.

Bad Attitudes

by playback
Jerome Doolittle and Friends on Politics, Culture, Whatever

Washington prayer too true for school

by jasontromm
A federal judge has ruled against a public school teacher who filed a lawsuit after administrators removed Christian-themed postings from his classroom, including a depiction of George Washington praying at Valley Forge and news clippings about the faith of President Bush and former Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Accidents Happen

by jasontromm
The hunter shot by Dick Cheney said Friday that "accidents do and will happen" and said he is sorry for all the hullabaloo and scrutiny the incident has brought upon the vice president and his family.

A Look at Abramoff-Related Donations

by jasontromm
President Bush and many lawmakers have announced they are refunding or giving to charity some or all of the donations they or their political action committees received from once-powerful lobbyist Jack Abramoff, his associates or clients.


Bush National Guard Story Still "Is a Good Story"

by jasontromm (via)
Mary Mapes, the producer fired from CBS News for her role in the 60 Minutes story about President Bush’s National Guard service, has written a book to explain her side of the story. On today’s Good Morning America she talked to ABC’s Brian Ross about that book and the forged documents used in the Bush story.

Bush Taps Harriet Miers for High Court

by jasontromm
President Bush on Monday nominated White House counsel Harriet Miers to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court, reaching into his loyal inner circle for another pick that could reshape the nation's judiciary for years to come.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag president

2008 +   american +   blog +   blogging +   blogs +   bush +   edwards +   election +   france +   french +   health +   informed +   insurance +   judge +   official +   politics +   presidental poll +   presidentielle +   progressive +   resultats +   Royal +   sarkozy +   supreme +   usa +   vote +   web2.0 +   weblog +  

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