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PUBLIC MARKS with tags programmation & agile


Barre Verte ! | Notes de développeurs sur le logiciel, le design, l'agilité, l'open source, les mobiles, linux…

by jpcaruana (via)
Notes de développeurs sur le logiciel, le design, l'agilité, l'open source, les mobiles, linux…


Gojko Adzic » Announcing Trinidad: In-process test runner for FitNesse wiki pages

by jpcaruana (via)
Trinidad is an in-process test runner for FitNesse tests. Here are some nice things you can do with it: * run fitnesse fit and slim tests without starting the server as part of your build * run fitnesse tests from JUnit within your IDE * debug and troubleshoot fitnesse fixtures as if you were working with unit tests * easily include fitnesse acceptance tests into your build (through JUnit) * easily run tests in transactions and roll back after each test (with Spring)


dbfit - FitNesse.Info

by jpcaruana (via)
DbFit is a set of FIT fixtures which enables FIT/FitNesse tests to execute directly against a database. This enables developers to manipulate database objects in a relational tabular form, making database testing and management much easier than with xUnit-style tools. The library is free to use, released under GNU GPL.


XPairtise - Pair Programming for Eclipse

by jpcaruana & 1 other
The Eclipse plug-in XPairtise provides a platform for distributed pair programming. The plug-in offers shared editing, project synchronization, shared program and test execution, user management, built-in chat communication and a shared whiteboard. Pair programming is a key practice in Extreme Programming (XP) whereby two programmers share the same terminal and program together. Distributed pair programming is the practice of pair programming where the two programmers comprising the pair are in different locations.

Groovy - Home

by jpcaruana & 11 others
Groovy ... * is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine * builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk * makes modern programming features available to Java developers with almost-zero learning curve * supports Domain Specific Languages and other compact syntax so your code becomes easy to read and maintain * makes writing shell and build scripts easy with its powerful processing primitives, OO abilities and an Ant DSL * increases developer productivity by reducing scaffolding code when developing web, GUI, database or console applications * simplifies testing by supporting unit testing and mocking out-of-the-box * seamlessly integrates with all existing Java objects and libraries * compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere you can use Java

xp-france : Message: Re: [xp-france] Re : Re : Re : La cascade avait raison...?

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
Christophe Thibaut : Cette discussion sur les domaines m'évoque la notion de recueil des besoins. Dans les deux cas, j'ai l'impression qu'on essaie de réifier ce qui est au départ une série d'actes, de réflexions et de conversations, dans un document. Dans de nombreuses entreprises, mais surtout les grandes qui ont beaucoup d'argent à dépenser en "études" (alors qu'elles feraient mieux de le dépenser en self-help) on a cristallisé ces activités : conception, expérimentation, recherche, dans les documents qui résultent de ces activités. Cette transition est sensible si l'on fait attention à la substantivation des mots; si typique dans l'usage du mot "design" (comme dans : "faire un design", "puis implémenter ce design", ces deux étapes traduisent à la fois une représentation figée et une stance de pouvoir concepteur vs programmeur).

Architecte Junior J2EE chez Valtech

by jpcaruana
Vos principales missions sont : • Participation à la conception d’architecture de systèmes utilisant les technologies Java, • Encadrer des développeurs, • Mettre en place des frameworks innovants du marché, • Auditer des applications existantes, • Participer à des études comparatives de technologies du marché, • Mettre en œuvre les méthodes agiles sur des projets,, • Présenter et expliquer à vos collaborateurs vos choix techniques, votre façon de faire.


by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
Sonar is a continuous quality control tool for Java applications. Its basic purpose in life is to join your existing continuous integration tools to place all your development projects under quality control.


Agile Web Development

by jpcaruana & 1 other is a site dedicated to helping you in your web development efforts. Here you will find tips and resources to help you have more joy with your Ruby on Rails projects.

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