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Analyze the Sunspots

by YukuanBlog
上次以 Python 搭配 matplotlib 改寫張智星老師傅立葉轉換教學例子。後來逛到 Anders Andreasen 的專文,裡面有個分析太陽黑子活動週期的例子,相同的例子竟然也出現在 Mathworks 展示 Matlab FFT 用法的網頁上。既然大家那麼愛用太陽黑子,我也來攪和攪和,再次以 Python 搭配 matplotlib 改寫,以饗各位看官:

FFT in Python

by YukuanBlog
張智星老師的 on-line book《音訊處理與辨識》的〈離散傅立葉轉換〉這個章節,有許多運用快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier transform, FFT)的教學,FFT 其實就是 DFT 的快速算法。張老師是以 Matlab 作為程式範例;實際嘗試後,我發現可以很容易將其轉成 Python code ,

matplotlib without a GUI

by YukuanMark
matplotlib has two primary APIs. The easiest to use is the pylab interface. When that module is imported it checks for a setup file, initializes the GUI, and does a few other things to simplify interactive plotting. pylab is built on top of the matplotlib - Chaco

by YukuanMark
Chaco is a Python plot application toolkit. It is meant to facilitate writing plotting applications of all levels of complexity, from simple scripts with hard-coded data to large plotting programs with complex data interrelationships and a multitude of in

Dynamic Plot on Python

by YukuanBlog
之前介紹 Python 在複雜網路模擬實驗的應用時,曾提到用 Matplotlib 來繪製該實驗的圖表。其模仿 Matlab 的繪圖功能,用起來方便,所繪製的圖也在水準之上。有圖有真相,這就秀秀用 Matplotlib 為該實驗繪製的兩張圖表:


by YukuanMark
mathtext is a module for parsing TeX expressions and drawing them into a matplotlib.ft2font image buffer. You can draw from this buffer into your backend.

Matplotlib / pylab - matlab style python plotting (plots, graphs, charts)

by YukuanMark
matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. matplotlib can be used in python scripts, the python and ipython shell (ala matlab or mat



by roberto
Python interface to ePiX.

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