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PUBLIC MARKS with tags replication & cluster

November 2007

ssh on multiple servers Using cluster ssh -- Debian Admin

by camel
Ever had to make the same change on more than one Linux/unix server? Find it annoyingly painful to keep repeating the exact same commands again and again and again? This tool addresses exactly this problem. You run a utility (cssh) providing a number of server names as parameters, and then xterms opens up to each server with an extra “console” window. Anything typed into the console is replicated into each server window (so, for examples, you can edit the same file on N machines at the same time, or run the same commands with the same parameters across those servers). It is also possible to type into the server windows directly, or temporarily disable replication to one or more of the servers through the “Hosts” menu.

April 2007

MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager :: Homo-Adminus Blog by Alexey Kovyrin

by camel (via)
MMM (MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager) is set of flexible scripts to perform monitoring and management of MySQL Masrter-Master replication cluster configurations.

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last mark : 30/11/2007 08:23