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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "responsive design" & mobile


Strip - A Less Intrusive Responsive Lightbox

by Spone & 2 others
Strip is a Lightbox that only partially covers the page. This makes it less intrusive and leaves room to interact with the page on larger screens while giving smaller mobile devices the classic Lightbox experience.


Responsive Design Testing

by dzc & 3 others
This tool has been built to help with testing your responsive websites while you design and build them.

The gradient chart : Cennydd Bowles

by Spone (via)
Here’s a little tool I’ve found useful when deciding whether to build a responsive site or a separate site for different devices (eg a mdot smartphone site to accompany a ‘full’ site).


Multiscreen Patterns | precious, strategic design & visual language

by sbrothier (via)
During the last years, our design studio has been involved in many different projects – from designing mainly websites and desktop software in our early days, to smartphone apps, prototypes for TV interfaces and more recently, applications for tablet devices. Working for all those devices was interesting and challenging. Not just because of the diverse screen sizes and input methods, but because we learned in our user research how different the contexts are in which these gadgets are used.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "responsive design"

carousel +   css3 +   jQuery +   moving console +   rwd +   tools +   touch +  

Active users

last mark : 21/10/2014 09:41

last mark : 03/10/2014 18:39

last mark : 01/09/2014 10:17

last mark : 24/03/2014 09:25

François Hodierne
last mark : 29/05/2013 22:18

last mark : 16/12/2012 00:05

last mark : 13/07/2012 08:16