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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rsync & ssh



Tâches de déploiement spécifiques avec Symfony - Akei, the blog

by ghis (via)
Faire sa propre tâche de déploiement avec Symfony : rajouter des actions à effectuer lors du déploiement rsync.


2008 :: Parallel SSH execution and a single shell to control them all

by camel (via)
Many people use SSH to log in to remote machines, copy files around, and perform general system administration. If you want to increase your productivity with SSH, you can try a tool that lets you run commands on more than one remote machine at the same time. Parallel ssh, Cluster SSH, and ClusterIt let you specify commands in a single terminal window and send them to a collection of remote machines where they can be executed. Why you would need a utility like this when, using openSSH, you can create a file containing your commands and use a bash for loop to run it on a list of remote hosts, one at a time? One advantage of a parallel SSH utility is that commands can be run on several hosts at the same time. For a short-running task this might not matter much, but if a task needs an hour to complete and you need to run it on 20 hosts, parallel execution beats serial by a mile. Also, if you want to interactively edit the same file on multiple machines, it might be quicker to use a parallel SSH utility and edit the file on all nodes with vi rather than concoct a script to do the same edit. Many of these parallel SSH tools include support for copying to many hosts at once (a parallel version of scp) or using rsync on a collection of hosts at once. Because the parallel SSH implementations know about all the hosts in a group, some of them also offer the ability to execute a command "on one host" and will work out which host to pick using load balancing. Finally, some parallel SSH projects let you use barriers so that you can execute a collection of commands and explicitly have each node in the group wait until all the nodes have completed a stage before moving on to the next stage of processing.


Automatiser les copies de sauvegarde avec rsync

by lecyborg & 1 other
rsync est un logiciel pour copier des fichiers rapidement d’une source vers une destination (localement, ou à travers le réseau). Les copies par le réseau utilisent par défaut SSH (sous Debian GNU/Linux).


WiKiM3mo - rsync

by camel (via)
Sauvegarder ses données avec rscync/ssh


利用 rsync 備份 Wins 資料至遠端主機

by Yukie
利用 rsync 達成 Windows 資料的異地備援

Using Rsync and SSH

by camel & 5 others (via)
Synchronisation via rsync et au travers d'une connexion ssh

by camel (via)
RIBS is an incremental backup system written in PHP which utilizes some common *nix programs (specifically rsync, ssh and cp). Incremental backups mean frequent backups can be done (i.e. hourly) with only around 2x the space of the full backup. Using rsync means that RIBS can act as both a backup script on a local machine, or as a script to backup several network hosts. It is designed to be highly configurable and highly informative to the system administrator. There is a high amount of error checking, and logging/email capabilities.

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filesystem +   ML +   svn +   utils +   windows +  

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