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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ruby & windows



gosu - Google Code

by parmentierf & 1 other
Gosu is a 2D game development library for the Ruby and C programming languages, available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.


ConTEXT Programmers Editor - home

by parmentierf
ConTEXT is a small, fast and powerful freeware text editor, developed mainly to serve as secondary tool for software developers.

What's Next?

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
What's Next is a personal productivity application that supports David Allen's Getting Things Done system, or GTD. We created What's Next to give us an environment in which to be effortlessly productive - it has been designed to offer a great user interface and generally be a joy to use. What's Next has been designed and written by Max Muermann. The application works under Mac OS X, Windows, various Unix- and Linux-variants. It is a browser-based application that comes with a small local web server. "It is just so easy to use that I was up and running in no time at all and everything made sense." - That's what Scott said. Have a look at the screenshots below, or head straight over to the download section and grab the latest version!


Ruby on Rails Getting Started How Set Up Ruby on Rails in Windows Tutorial

by woody3k
Here's a quick Howto on setting up Ruby on Rails for Windows.

InstantRailsWiki: Instant Rails

by parmentierf & 14 others
Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby, Rails, Apache, and MySQL, all preconfigured and ready to run. No installer, you simply drop it into the directory of your choice and run it. It does not modify your system environment. See the Release Notes for a complete list of what is included.

The blog of Tobin: Windows Ruby On Rails IDEs and Text Editors

by cascamorto (via)
Since I personally chose M$ Windows as my developmetn platform, so was interested to read about the comments left by other Windows users who have their own favourite editors. For your pleasure, here's a summary of those Windows editors.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ruby

extreme programming +   java +   programming +   seaside +   smalltalk +   squeak +  

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