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PUBLIC MARKS with tags scanner & gratuit


Antivirus complet, gratuit et en ligne

by Giraultises & 2 others (via)
VirusTotal est un service gratuit (avec API) qui vous permet de scanner vos fichiers en ligne (ou url) afin de détecter des virus ou malwares. Ce service utilise les principaux antivirus connu comme AVG, Antivir, Avast, Bitdefender, Comodo, DrWeb, F-Secure, Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, NOD32, Symantec, ... Vous trouverez aussi des extensions pour vos navigateurs (VTZilla, VTChromizer) ou même pour l'exporateur de Windows (VTUploader) qui vous permettrons via un clic droit d'analyser vos fichiers.


inSSIDer | MetaGeek

by cascamorto & 1 other
inSSIDer is an award-winning free Wi-Fi network scanner for Windows Vista and Windows XP. Because NetStumbler doesn t work well with Vista and 64-bit XP we built an open-source Wi-Fi network scanner designed for the current generation of Windows operating systems. A year later inSSIDer was discussed by Lifehacker and Tekzilla Benefits Inspect your WLAN and surrounding networks to troubleshoot competing access points. Use Windows Vista and Windows XP 64-bit. Uses the Native Wi-Fi API. Track the strength of received signal in dBm over time. Filter access points in an easy to use format. Highlight access points for areas with high Wi-Fi concentration. Group by Mac Adress SSID Channel RSSI and time "last seen."


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag scanner

art +   diy +   draw +   flatbed +   howto +   light +   lightbox +   photography +  

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